General Information
Established in 1937, Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) is the nation's fourth largest public housing authority. The agency administers approximately 12,850 public housing units, and an additional 22,600 families through the Housing Choice Voucher Program. PHA, in partnership with local agencies and educational institutions, operates the Workforce Center at the Vaux Community Building, which provides job readiness, skills training, job placement and other services. PHA also operates the Opening Doors to Homeownership program that provides a broad array of first-time affordable homeowner programs and services to low-income residents.
PHA has used the flexibility of the MTW program to preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing in Philadelphia as well as revitalize entire neighborhoods. Nowhere is MTW’s impact more dramatic than in PHA’s current large-scale neighborhood transformation initiatives in the Sharswood and North Central communities where sweeping change has come to long neglected neighborhoods. In addition, MTW has helped efforts to address longstanding capital needs at aging public housing developments across the city, through conversion under the Rental Assistance Demonstration program and other methods. Even more, MTW’s financial and program flexibility has allowed PHA to expand workforce development, supportive services, and other economic and educational opportunities to low-income families, seniors and people with disabilities. MTW has been embedded into virtually every area of PHA’s operations and every partnership initiative undertaken to address Philadelphia’s unique housing and supportive service needs.
More info can be found at:
MTW Status
PHA's MTW program began February 28, 2002. PHA signed the Standard Agreement in 2008, extending its participation through its Fiscal Year 2018. As a result of Congress passing the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, PHA’s MTW Agreement was modified and extended to the end of its Fiscal Year 2028.
Annual Plans
- FY 01 Plan
- FY 02 Plan
- FY 03 Plan
- FY 04 Plan
- FY 06 Plan
- FY 07 Plan
- FY 08 Plan
- FY 09 Plan
- FY 10 Plan
- FY 11 Plan
- FY 12 Plan
- FY 13 Plan
- FY 14 Plan
- FY 15 Plan Amendment
- FY 16 Plan
- FY 17 Plan
- FY 18 Plan
- FY 18 Plan Amendment
- FY 19 Plan
- FY 20 Plan
- FY 20 Plan Amendment
- FY 20 Plan Amendment 2
- FY 21 Plan
- FY 22 Plan
- FY 22 Plan Amendment
- FY 22 Plan Amendment 2
- FY 23 Plan
- FY 23 Plan Amendment
- FY 24 Plan
- FY 24 Plan Amendment
Annual Reports
Last updated April 29, 2024
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