Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities

    General Information

    The Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) is the Commonwealth’s housing and community development agency. As an all-voucher MTW program, EOHLC serves more than 20,000 households across the state, and provides supportive services and other housing supports to more than 900 additional families through local non-traditional programming. EOHLC administers the program through a network of regional housing agencies.

    An MTW agency since 1998, EOHLC uses its participation in MTW to develop and implement program changes that respond to local and state-wide housing challenges and opportunities.

    Using all three MTW strategic goals EOHLC has created a program that incorporates administrative efficiencies to streamline process, improve customer service and create savings, bolsters low-income households’ ability to increase their economic self-sufficiency and stability, and supports housing choice through a state-wide housing mobility program.

    Currently EOHLC manages approximately 22,700 Housing Choice Voucher units and 110 units of local, non-traditional housing.

    More info at:

    MTW Status

    EOHLC implemented its MTW program in 1999 and signed the Standard Agreement in 2008, extending its participation in MTW until the end of its 2018 fiscal year. As a result of Congress passing the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, EOHLC’s MTW Agreement was modified and extended to the end of its Fiscal Year 2028.

    Last updated December 13, 2024