Lawrence-Douglas Housing Authority

    General Information

    Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority (LDCHA) encompasses the City of Lawrence and Douglas County, Kansas. The LDCHA MTW plan is predicated upon the belief that traditional Section 8 and public housing program rules distort the realities of the marketplace and do not prepare nor encourage participants to address the challenges and responsibilities of an economically independent life.

    The LDCHA MTW program is mandatory for all non-elderly, non-disabled residents. Elderly and disabled residents, however, may choose to participate. It involves minimum and maximum rents; mandatory work or training requirements for non-student adults; a merged public housing and Section 8 waiting list; and a robust self-sufficiency program.

    LDCHA's MTW program is intended to mirror the incentives of the private housing market, but at an affordable rate. The LDCHA rent policy promotes work among participants and encourage higher income participants to seek housing in the private market. LDCHA reports that MTW has positively impacted many participants, through advancement in education and employability. As an example, 100 participants have purchased a home through the LDCHA down payment match program since 2002.

    LDCHA currently manages approximately 350 public housing units, 850 Housing Choice Voucher units, and 80 units of local, non-traditional housing.

    More info at:

    MTW Status

    LDCHA's MTW program began March 30, 1999 and signed the Standard Agreement in 2008, extending its participation through its Fiscal Year 2018. As a result of Congress passing the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, LDCHA’s MTW Agreement was modified and extended to the end of its Fiscal Year 2028.

    Last updated April 29, 2024