Frequently Asked Questions
- What changes did HUD make to the advisory committee’s Charter and Membership Balance Plan based on public comments received in response to Federal Register Notice 5932-N-02?
- How many PHAs is HUD adding to the MTW demonstration?
- Do PHAs have to be high performers in order to be eligible to apply?
- Will Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) only PHAs or Public Housing only PHAs be eligible to apply?
- When can a PHA apply to the MTW demonstration?
- How many cohorts of new MTW PHAs will there be?
- What specific policies will be tested as part of the MTW expansion?
- Who will decide what policies will be tested with the MTW expansion and how they will be evaluated?
- How will HUD determine who is on the federal research advisory committee?
- Will non-MTW PHAs be able to be members on the advisory committee?
- Will individuals or organizations who are not on the advisory committee be able to provide recommendations that inform the MTW expansion?
What changes did HUD make to the advisory committee’s Charter and Membership Balance Plan based on public comments received in response to Federal Register Notice 5932-N-02?
The comments HUD received focused primarily on three (3) topics:
- Interest in participating on the Committee,
- Suggestions for additional perspectives that would be helpful in Committee discussions, and
- A desire for additional opportunities to provide input.
In response to the feedback received, HUD has made an adjustment to the Committee’s Charter and Membership Balance Plan to add one (1) additional current or former PHA resident representative. HUD has also changed the Membership Balance Plan to require PHA representatives to have experience working with special needs populations including persons who are homeless or have disabilities. HUD appreciates the interest and suggestions of commenters regarding specific individuals to serve as committee members, and will consider those suggestions as part of our deliberations of potential members who meet the criteria set forth in the Committee’s establishment documents. HUD also expects to provide a variety of opportunities for public input on various components of the MTW expansion. Please check the MTW website frequently for further information on these opportunities.
How many PHAs is HUD adding to the MTW demonstration?
Section 239 of the Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriations Act (Public Law 114-113) (the Act) authorizes HUD to expand the MTW demonstration by an additional 100 new Public Housing Agencies (PHA) over a period of seven years.
Do PHAs have to be high performers in order to be eligible to apply?
Yes. Per the Act, PHAs must be designated as high performing agencies under the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) or the Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP).
Will Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) only PHAs or Public Housing only PHAs be eligible to apply?
Yes. Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) only PHAs or Public Housing only PHAs will be able to apply to the MTW demonstration as long as other eligibility requirements are met.
When can a PHA apply to the MTW demonstration?
HUD anticipates publishing a PIH notice in the fall of 2016 soliciting applications for the initial cohort of new MTW PHAs. Detailed application requirements will be provided in the notice. Additional cohorts of MTW PHAs will be added through separate notices through 2020 or until a total of 100 new MTW PHAs have been added.
How many cohorts of new MTW PHAs will there be?
The Secretary will weigh the advice of the advisory committee before determining the number of new PHA cohorts. At present, this number is not yet determined.
What specific policies will be tested as part of the MTW expansion?
Specific policies to be tested have not yet been determined. For each cohort of new MTW PHAs, the specific policy proposals and methods of research and evaluation will be described in the PIH notice to be published in the fall of 2016.
Who will decide what policies will be tested with the MTW expansion and how they will be evaluated?
The Department will determine what policies will be tested with the MTW expansion and how they will be evaluated. The Committee shall provide advice on, among other items, the specific policy proposals and evaluation methods for the MTW demonstration and the rigorous research methodologies that will measure the impact of those policy changes. Following consideration of the Committee’s advice, HUD will make the final determination.
How will HUD determine who is on the federal research advisory committee?
The Department will appoint committee members based upon the criteria listed in the Membership Balance Plan, which can be found on HUD’s website. HUD will consider a number of factors to determine the selection of committee members, including:
a) For up to five researchers, the Department will consider:
- Educational background (e.g. advance degree(s) in fields such as sociology, economics, statistics, public policy and urban planning, or a related field);
- Professional experiences and accomplishments (e.g. nature of work, projects, or publications);
- Current employment and membership in relevant associations; and
- Experience working directly with PHAs and/or assisted housing residents.
b) For up to five current Executive Directors, or designees as approved by HUD, at a PHA with an MTW designation, the Department will consider:
- The size of the PHA (e.g., the combined units of public housing and vouchers);
- The distribution of resources and families served across programs;
- Participation in the Rental Assistance Demonstration;
- The geographical location of the PHA;
- Experience designing or implementing MTW policies that are under consideration for further study by expansion PHAs;
- The participation of the housing authority in third-party research on HUD programs; and
- Knowledge and experience implementing innovative housing and community development programs and policies.
c) For up to two former and/or current residents of public housing and/or voucher recipients at a PHA with an MTW designation, the Department will consider:
- General engagement and involvement with the PHA and the community, including membership in relevant boards and associations (e.g. the Resident Advisory Board, Housing Authority Board, other PHA boards/groups, or local or national resident advocacy organizations);
- History of engagement on MTW issues (e.g. discussion of policy changes, impacts of policy changes, or evaluation and research);
- Experience with HUD self-sufficiency programs; and
- Knowledge and or exposure to the research process.
Selected current and/or former residents who are members of the Committee cannot represent the same MTW PHAs as the MTW PHA staff serving on the Committee.
d) Two HUD staff will be appointed on the Committee: one from the Office of Public and Indian Housing, and one from the Office of Policy Development and Research.
Will non-MTW PHAs be able to be members on the advisory committee?
No. Per the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act, the advisory committee shall, among others, include a fair representation of agencies with a MTW designation.
Will individuals or organizations who are not on the advisory committee be able to provide recommendations that inform the MTW expansion?
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) regulations at 41 C.F.R. 102-3 require most advisory committee meetings to be open to the public. HUD will provide opportunities for the public to attend committee meetings, as well as provide input through either: 1) a formal comment period during the meeting or 2) written comments provided in advance of the meeting. Federal Register notices informing the public of upcoming meeting dates and proposed agendas will explain specific opportunities for public input.
See MTW Expansion for more information.
FAQ updated (6/1/2016)
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