Moving to Work (MTW) Expansion – Cohort #2


    In May 2021, HUD announced the 10 public housing agencies (PHAs) that have been selected for the second cohort of the MTW Expansion. A brief description of each PHA can be found in the “Applicant/Selectee Information” section below. More information on each of these PHAs will be posted on the Participating Agencies page as they begin the process of accepting MTW designation and implementing a local MTW program.

    The second cohort of the MTW Expansion will evaluate alternative rent policies designed to increase resident self-sufficiency and reduce PHA administrative burdens. It includes PHAs with 1,001 or more aggregate units of public housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) units.

    PIH Notice 2019-04 requested Letters of Interest from PHAs seeking to join the second cohort of the MTW Expansion. To be considered for the second cohort, PHAs submitted a Letter of Interest package by June 12, 2019. HUD conducted an eligibility review of these interested PHAs.

    PIH Notice 2020-21 requested full applications from PHAs seeking to join the second cohort of the MTW Expansion. Only those PHAs that submitted a Letter of Interest package under PIH Notice 2019-04 and were found to be eligible could apply under PIH Notice 2020-21. A list of these PHAs is also provided below in the “Applicant/Selectee Information” section.

    If you should have a question regarding Cohort #2 of the MTW Expansion, please email

    Applicant/Selectee Information

    PIH Notices and FAQs

    Webcasts and Webinars

    Links and Resources for Request for Applications (PIH Notice 2020-21)

    Links and Resources for Request for Letters of Interest (PIH Notice 2019-04)


    Last updated May 7, 2021