In January 2021, HUD announced the 31 agencies that have been selected. A brief description of each agency can be found below under Applicant/Selectee Information. The MTW Flexibilities for Smaller PHAs Cohort of the MTW Expansion will evaluate the overall effects of MTW flexibility on a public housing agency (PHA) and the residents it serves. It will target PHAs with 1,000 or fewer aggregate units of public housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) units. Read more in the press release.
PIH Notice 2018-17 lays out the two-step application process by which PHAs will be selected for the first cohort of the MTW Expansion. In the first step, interested PHAs that meet the eligibility criteria in Section 4(B) of PIH Notice 2018-17 submitted a Letter of Interest package to HUD. On March 14, 2019 the Department extended the deadline to May 13, 2019 for PHAs to submit letters of interest. HUD then conducted an eligibility review of these interested PHAs. HUD then conducted regional lotteries to determine which of the eligible, interested PHAs would be invited to apply under this Notice, which would be placed on a waitlist, and which would not receive MTW designation under this Notice or continue to the next step of the application process.
In the second step, the lottery selectees were invited to submit a full MTW Plan and application requesting MTW designation by December 4, 2020. On January 7, 2021, HUD announced the 30 agencies that have been selected. These PHAs will officially be designated as MTW PHAs once their MTW ACC Amendments are executed by HUD.
If you should have a question regarding the MTW Flexibilities for Smaller PHAs Cohort of the MTW Expansion, please email: MTWcohort1@hud.gov.
Applicant/Selectee Information
- Applicants to the MTW Flexibilities for Smaller PHAs Cohort of the MTW Expansion - Applications Received as of May 13, 2019
- MTW Flexibilities for Smaller PHAs Cohort Lottery and Waitlist Selectees - Provided to Eligible Applicants in August of 2020
- MTW Flexibilities for Smaller PHAs Cohort Selectees and Summaries - Selected January 2021
PIH Notices and FAQs
- PIH Notice 2019-03: Extension of Request for Letters of Interest and Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2019: COHORT #1 – Overall Impact of Moving to Work Flexibility
- PIH Notice 2018-17: Request for Letters of Interest and Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program for Fiscal Year 2019: COHORT #1 – Overall Impact of Moving to Work Flexibility
- PIH Notice 2018-17 and 2019-03 FAQ (updated 11/04/20)
Webcasts and Webinars
- Fall 2020 MTW Expansion Webinar Series
- MTW Waivers – October 14, 2020
- MTW Funding Flexibilities, Funding Calculation, and Statutory Requirements – October 28, 2020
- MTW Expansion Office Hours
- PIH Notice 2019-03 and 2018-17: Webinar (09/15/20)
- PIH Notice 2019-03: Teleconference (04/17/19) You will need to unzip the file included in this zip file before you can listen to it
- PIH Notice 2019-03: Webinar (03/28/19)
- PIH Notice 2019-03: Webinar Slides (03/28/19)
- PIH Notice 2018-17: Webcast (12/19/18)
- PIH Notice 2018-17: Webcast Slides (12/19/18)
- PIH Notice 2018-1Paste7 Webcast (11/26/18)
- PIH Notice 2018-17: Webcast Slides (11/26/18)
Links and Resources for Second Step of Application Process
- Sample Application Timeline for MTW Flexibilities for Smaller PHAs Cohort Lottery Selectees
- Standard Form: Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (form HUD-2991)
- Standard Form: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL)
- Standard Form: Certification of Payments (form HUD-50071)
Links and Resources for First Step of Application Process
- PHA Baseline Research Survey
- PDF of PHA Baseline Research Survey
- PIH Notice 2018-17: Eligibility Worksheet (MS-Excel)
- Attachment 1 of PIH Notice 2018-17: Commitment to Participation in HUD-Sponsored Evaluation of the First Cohort of the MTW Expansion
Last updated June 21, 2021
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