Planning Grants NOFO
Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants support the development of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans which focus on directing resources to address three core goals: Housing, People and Neighborhood. To achieve these core goals, communities must develop and implement a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy, or Transformation Plan. The Transformation Plan will become the guiding document for the revitalization of the public and/or assisted housing units while simultaneously directing the transformation of the surrounding neighborhood and positive outcomes for families. The Planning Grants NOFO was posted to on April 4, 2023 and announced up to $10 million for Planning Grant awards. The maximum grant award is $500,000. Applications were due June 6, 2023 and awards were announced September 15, 2023.
- FY23 Planning Grants Announced (September 15, 2023)
- FY23 Planning Grant Awards - Project Summaries
- FY23 Planning Grants NOFO
*NOTE: The full application package must be downloaded through The CFDA number is 14.892.
- FY23 Planning Grants NOFO Q&A (Updated 5/26/2023)
- FY23 Planning Grants Applicant List
- FY23 Planning Grant Webinar
- Survey of Past Planning Grantees
- Planning Grants Benefits Flyer
Implementation Grants NOFO
Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants support those communities that have undergone a comprehensive local planning process and are ready to implement their plan to redevelop the distressed public and/or assisted housing and neighborhood. HUD posted the FY 2023 NOFO on September 6, 2023 and modified the NOFO on October 25, 2023. The NOFO announced approximately $259 million available for awards of up to $50 million each. Of this amount, HUD will allocate approximately $10 million for Supplemental Grants to FY17-FY20 CN Implementation Grantees that meet certain criteria. The modification states HUD’s intention to use FY24 appropriation funds that may become available and incorporates the updated Total Development Cost (TDC) limits in the grant sizing calculation. The Lead Applicant must be a Public Housing Agency (PHA), a local government, or a tribal entity. If there is also a Co-Applicant, it must be a PHA, a local government, a tribal entity, or the owner of the target HUD-assisted housing (e.g. a nonprofit or for-profit developer). The local government of jurisdiction, or tribe for applications that target Indian Housing, must be the Lead Applicant or Co-Applicant. Applications must present a plan to revitalize a severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted multifamily housing project located in a distressed neighborhood into a viable, mixed-income community. Applications for a new Implementation Grant were due on February 13, 2024. Applications for a Supplemental Grant are due on March 4, 2024.
- FY23 Implementation Grants Announced (7/16/24)
- FY23/24 Implementation Grant Finalists Announced (5/2/24)
- FY23/24 Implementation Grants Applicant List
- FY23 Implementation Grants NOFO
- FY23 Implementation Grants NOFO Webinar (YouTube)
- FY23 Implementation Grants NOFO Webinar Slide Deck
- FY23 Implementation Grants NOFO Q & A (updated January 31, 2024)
*NOTE: The full application package must be downloaded through The CFDA number is 14.889.
Mapping Tool
HUD established a mapping tool for the purposes of establishing neighborhood eligibility and to assign points for certain rating factors. This mapping tool will overlay the locally defined neighborhood boundaries with data associated with that area and estimate the rates of certain indicators in that neighborhood using a proportional allocation methodology.
Click here for the mapping tool.
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