The 2022 Capital Fund Program Grant Awards
- FY 2022 Capital Fund Processing Guidance for PHAs: The Processing Guidance has been updated to remove the statement requiring PHAs to expend funds budgeted to BLI 1406 on an eligible Operating Fund cost within 3 days of disbursing the funds into the PHA's bank account. While The Cash Management Improvement Act and its requirements still apply to Capital Fund grants and all Federal Funding, implementation of this requirement for Capital Funds budgeted to BLI 1406 is delayed.
- FY 2022 Letter to Executive Directors
- 2022 ACC Amendments (MS Excel)
Once you open the ACC Amendments found in the file above, please follow these instructions:
**NOTE: This file may open in a Protected View. In this case, you will see a banner at the top of the page with button to click to "Enable Editing" and you will need to select "Enable Editing" in order to retrieve your ACCs.** |
ENTER PHA CODE: Select the yellow highlighted cell containing the text "Type PHA Code Here." Type your 5 digit PHA Code in the cell.
Click the Enter key. Once you do so, the cell will no longer appear yellow and highlighted.
Once you have entered your PHA Code, information will automatically appear for the following:
- Formal PHA Name
- Grant Amount
- Grant Number
Review the entire form, including the information displayed for PHA Code, Formal PHA Name, Grant Amount, and Grant Number.
Fill in the remaining information on the form, including marking either "Yes" or "No" in paragraph 9.
Complete the signature portion at the bottom right. The PHA Executive Director or his/her designee must sign and date the ACC Amendment.
- (NEW) List of Capital Fund Awards by PHA and Development (MS-Excel): This year, we have combined the PHA and Development-level funding reports into a single Excel file. After you select a PHA code, the PHA-level information will display in rows 9 through 12, with the Development-level details directly below, beginning with row 15.
Capital Fund Calculation Process
"Faircloth Limit" Unit Counts - Section 9(g)(3) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 ("Faircloth Amendment") limits the construction of new public housing units. The Faircloth Amendment states that the Department cannot fund the construction or operation of new public housing units with Capital or Operating Funds if the construction of those units would result in a net increase in the number of units the PHA owned, assisted, or operated as of October 1, 1999. This requirement is referred to as the “Faircloth Limit.” The Faircloth Limit is adjusted for PHA transfers of ACC units, consolidations, and RAD removals.
PHAs will not be funded for those units that exceed the Faircloth limit, and PHAs are responsible for reviewing the published Faircloth limits and notifying HUD if they believe their posted Faircloth Limit is in error. The list is updated on a quarterly basis. To notify HUD of a possible error in the posted Faircloth Limit, PHAs should send an email to PIHOCI@hud.gov with “Faircloth Limit Correction for…” and the PHA code in the subject line. PHAs have an opportunity each year to dispute their Faircloth Limits before it may impact annual Capital Fund Formula amounts. For FY2022 the deadline was 11/15/21.
Capital Fund Certification Schedule for 2022: In preparation for the calculation of FFY 2022 Capital Fund grant awards, the annual PIC Certification process will run from July 1 through August 20, 2021. The “reporting date” for this round of certifications is June 30, 2021. During the certification period, PHA Executive Directors certify to the accuracy of the PHA’s inventory information in the PIC system as of the reporting date of June 30th. This process is critical to ensuring the accurate calculation of grant awards. For further information, please refer to the UPDATED Step-by-Step User Guide (PDF). If you encounter issues in IMS/PIC, including issues submitting building and unit data for approval, please consult the information on known system issues and workarounds available here: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing/systems/pic.
Reporting Date: 6/30/2021
Certification Open: 7/1/2021
Certification Deadline: 8/20/2021
HUDPIH-516391410-331 Updated 12/07/2022
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