Calendar Year (CY) 2020 Operating Fund Grant Processing
This page includes information for PHAs and field offices for CY 2020 Operating Fund Grant Processing
Operating Fund (Op-Fund) Shortfall Funding
Logon to the OpFund Shortfall Funding Webpage
Operating Fund (Op-Fund) Web Portal
Logon to the OpFund Web Portal to access information on CY 2020 Eligibility
CY 2020 Schedule
- CY 2020 PHA Schedule Ver 1.3 (Updated 2/12/2020 - PDF)
CY 2020 Explanation and Obligations
- Explanation of January and February Obligations
- January Obligation Letter
- January and two weeks of February Detailed Calculation Reports
- Explanation of February and March Obligations
- February Obligation Letter
- Explanation of March and April Obligations
- March and April Obligation Letter
- March and April Detailed Calculation Reports
- Explanation of May and June Obligations
- May and June Obligation Letter
- May and June Detailed Calculation Reports
- Explanation of CARES Act Funding
- CARES Act Obligation Letter
- Explanation of July, August, and September Obligations
- July, August, and September Obligation Letter
- July, August, and September Detailed Calculation Reports
- Explanation of October and November Obligations
- October and November Obligation Letter
- October and November Detailed Calculation Reports
- Explanation of December Obligation
- December Obligation Letter
- Final 2020 Reconciliation Reports
- Explanation of 2020 Holdback Obligation
- Obligations Letters from distribution of 2020 Holdback Funds
Excel Tools and Data Collection
- Restore Excel Menu Bars Kit (MS-Excel/Zip File)
- CY 2020 PHA HUD-5272352722 Excel Tools/User Guide >> Login to OpFund Wep Portal (Secure System)
- COVID-19-Notice.PIH-2020-07 (5/5/20 - PDF)
- Asset Repositioning Fee (ARF) Notice PIH-2017-22 (12/01/2017 - PDF)
- Property-Casualty-Insurance-Notice-PIH-2016-13 (1/22/2020 - PDF)
- CY2020-OpFund-Grant-Processing-Notice (2/28/2020 -PDF)
- Shortfall Grant SF-425 Reporting Requirements (1/5/2024-PDF)
Utility Information and Guidelines
- CY 2020 UEL Inflation Factors (Updated 2/05/20 - PDF)
- Rolling Base Adjustment - Guidance (PDF)
- Rolling Base Adjustment - Sample Calculation (MS Excel)
- Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) web page
- EPCs: Processing COCC Adjustments for an Existing Energy Performance Contract (PDF)
- CY20NewProjectGuidance.pdf (2/24/20 - PDF)
- CY 2020 EDSC Guidance (2/21/2020 - PDF)
- CY 2020 EDSC List (2/21/2020 - PDF)
- CY2020 Formula Income Guidance (10/2/2019 - PDF)
- Guidance on Reporting by Non-Asset Management PHAs: Audit, Formula Income, and PILOT (12/17/2018 – PDF)
- Guidance on Adjusting OpSub Excel Tools to Reflect Partial Conversions Through RAD (04/23/18 – PDF)
- Pre-pop Data Changes for Partial RAD Conversions (04/23/18 – Excel)
- Transition Stop Loss Asset Management Guidance (02/02/2018 - PDF)
- Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS//) Program: ACCOUNTING BRIEF #23 contains vital information on reporting requirements for FSS (i) Coordinator Grants (CFDA #14.896), (ii) Program Expenses, (iii) Escrow Activities, and (iv) the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program (PDF)
- Appeals for Changing Market Conditions (PDF)
- CY 2020 Faircloth Guidance (01/08/20 - PDF)
- CY 2020 Faircloth limit (01/08/20 - PDF)
- JPEID Guidance
- CY20 JPEID Adjustment Worksheet (2/03/20 - PDF)
- Guidance to Assist PHAs in Completing SF-424
- SF-424 Guidance
- SF-424-Exp.12.31.22 (1/28/20 - PDF)
- SF-424 List of Certifications and Assurances V2 (1/22/2020 - PDF)
- DUNS-TIN-Guidance (1/9/20 - PDF)
- SAM Guidance
OP-Fund RAD Transfer
Operating Fund Grant Calculation Instructions and Paper Forms
Note: The Operating Fund program only accepts the Electronic Forms (Excel Tools) posted above unless otherwise approved by HUD Field Offices.
- form-HUD-52722: Operating Fund Calculation of Utility Expense Level - PHA-Owned Rental Housing (1/28/20 - MS Word)
- form-HUD-52723: Operating Fund Calculation of Operating Subsidy - PHA-Owned Rental Housing (1/28/20 - MS Word)
- form-HUD-53087: Calculation of Subsidies for Operations (Non-Rental Housing) (MS Word)
- form-HUD-50071: Certification of Payments to Influence Federal Transactions (4/15/2019 – PDF)
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