CY 2011 EDSC Program

    The subsidy amount for the EDSC program is entered on Section 3, Line 07, "Self-sufficiency" add-on, of form HUD-52723. The Elderly/Disabled Services Coordinator (EDSC) Program is not the same as the former ROSS-Elderly & Persons with Disabilities Program or current ROSS-Service Coordinators Program that is awarded by competition through the SuperNOFA each year. Only PHAs that received funding in 1995 through the EDSC program are eligible to receive operating subsidy to fund this activity. At that point, the group of eligible PHAs was frozen and only those PHAs could receive renewals of this funding.

    The attached Excel spreadsheet is for the 1995 listing (please note that PHAs that share with another PHA are included on this list). Eligible PHAs may request their CY 2011 EDSC funding level by multiplying their total CY 2010 EDSC funding level by the CY 2011 PEL inflation factor (Section 3, Part A, Line 02, form HUD-52723) and making a reasonable allocation to the project level at the discretion of the PHA. Amounts may be allocated differently across projects each year as long as the total does not exceed the amount for which the PHA is eligible. For some MTW agencies, these funds are already figured into their Funding Allocation in their MTW Agreement Attachment A. If you have questions about this program or believe there is an error on the list, please contact Anice Chenault, ROSS Program Manager, at 202-402-2341 or