Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP)

    The Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) measures the performance of the public housing agencies (PHAs) that administer the Housing Choice Voucher program in 14 key areas. SEMAP helps HUD target monitoring and assistance to PHA programs that need the most improvement.

    Learn More 

    SEMAP Fact Sheet
    An overview of the program and questions and answers on SEMAP.

    Question raised at SEMAP Training Session Clarification of PHA verification of repairs of housing quality standards (HQS) deficiencies.

    The regulation at 982.404(a)(3) only states that the PHA "verifies" HQS repairs. PHAs operate their agencies with minimum guidance from HUD. Therefore, since the regulations do not define how a PHA verifies that an owner or tenant completed required repairs, Executive Directors have the flexibility to decide how the PHA should verify.

    HUD has not defined 'Verify' exclusively as a reinspection. The PHA may elect to do a reinspection to comply with 982.404(a)(3) to verify that all HQS deficiencies have been corrected. However, a reinspection is not necessary if the PHA can obtain verification through other means. For example, a PHA might accept an owner's certification that required repairs were made and then verify that action at the next on-site inspection. Further, a PHA might tie the verification process to the severity of corrections to be made and/or its experience with the owner and property. PHAs should include in the PHA s administrative plan how the PHA will verify the correction of HQS deficiencies.


    SEMAP Computer Based Training (CBT)
    Provides guidance for independent auditors regarding their role in the SEMAP process.

    Related PIH Notices

    PIH Notice 2005-33 (HA) Reissuance of Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Guidance to HUD Field Offices Assisting SEMAP Troubled, Near-Troubled and Non-Troubled PHAs

    PIH Notice 2001-6 (HA) (Adobe PDF, 37 pages)
    Guidance for HUD Field Offices to conduct annual Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) assessments.

    Forms and Guidance

    Form HUD-52648 (Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
    SEMAP certification form which requires a PHA administering the housing choice voucher program to submit an annual SEMAP Certification within 60 days after the end of its fiscal year.

    24 CFR 985
    Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Program regulations.

    Did You Know?

    The 14 indicators of performance show whether PHAs help eligible families to afford decent rental units at a reasonable subsidy cost as intended by Federal housing legislation.  Go to the SEMAP Fact Sheet

    You must submit your SEMAP certification via PIC.  Go to PIC