Past Trainings and Webinars
    Utilization Topic
    (link to session)
    DescriptionAssociated Materials

    NSPIRE for Vouchers Office Hours


    Hear lessons learned from a PHA that already implemented NSPIRE for Vouchers.Recording coming soon

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Funding Updates


    Topics include funding updates​ and preparing for 2024 reconciliation and reporting deadline.Recording coming soon

    NSPIRE for Vouchers Office Hours


    Subject matter experts answer questions about NSPIRE for Vouchers. Recording coming soon

    Overview: Housing Protections for Survivors Under the Violence Against Women Act and Related Requirements for Public Housing Agencies (Course One)


    This is the first course in a series of courses focused on providing an understanding of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Course one is a high-level overview that will give participants the opportunity to learn about VAWA housing protections for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking as well as VAWA requirements specific to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs). It will also discuss VAWA’s intersection with the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) and homelessness. PHAs will gain a better understanding of how to comply with VAWA’s housing provisions, and specifically how those obligations impact housing operations throughout the occupancy cycle.

    The subsequent courses in this series provide a deeper and more comprehensive dive into certain protections for survivors under VAWA as well as the obligations of PHAs and owners.

    Self-Care Note: Many people have experienced sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, or know someone who has. If you are attending this presentation or interacting with the content from this presentation and it brings up experiences, you are encouraged to take care of yourself in ways that work for you (including stepping away during the presentation).

    Recording coming soon

    NSPIRE for Vouchers Webinar on Smoke Alarms


    Subject matter experts discuss smoke alarms.Recording coming soon

    Notice PIH 2024-34 Webinar


    On September 30, 2024, PIH published Notice PIH 2024-34, Updated and Consolidated Policy Guidance on Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Payment Standards, which provides new guidance to PHAs on payment standards, including regulatory changes implemented through Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA), Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMRs), and exception payment standards. This notice announces a new process for establishing exception payment standards up to 120% of the FMR. PHAs approved under the previous streamlined approval process to implement payment standards up to 120% of the FMR who would like to continue with the higher payment standards must follow the notification process outlined in this new notice, specifically Section 5B.Recording coming soon

    NSPIRE for Vouchers Office Hours


    Subject matter experts discuss the carbon monoxide standard and hearting sources.Recording coming soon

    NSPIRE for Vouchers Webinar


    Subject matter experts answer questions about NSPIRE for Vouchers for PHAs, landlords, maintenance staff, inspectors and industry.Presentation Slides

    NSPIRE for Vouchers Office Hours


    Subject matter experts answer questions about NSPIRE for Vouchers for PHAs, landlords, maintenance staff, inspectors and industry.Presentation Slides

    NSPIRE for Vouchers Office Hours


    Subject matter experts answer questions about NSPIRE for Vouchers for PHAs, landlords, maintenance staff, inspectors and industry.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Tenant Resources


    This call will focus on resources for households assisted by the HCV program.Presentation Slides

    HOTMA Voucher General HCV Provisions Webinar


    This webinar focuses on the general HCV provisions of the HOTMA Voucher Final Rule published on May 6, 2024. It covers HCV programmatic updates on Payment Standards, Utility Allowances, Housing Quality Standards (HQS), Special Housing Types, and information for when a family is selected. It also includes a review of the effective and compliance dates in PIH Notice 2024-19.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Review of HUD's Mapping Resources


    This call will focus on the GIS mapping tools and resources HUD has available to help communities understand how HCV is working in their area with a deeper dive into the newest tool – the HUD Aggregated USPS Administrative Data on Address Vacancies.  Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Program Updates


    Confused about HOTMA rollout, system changes, and the 2024 funding?  Join us for a quick summary of all the recent program changes and updates from the past few months.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Improving PHA Leasing Processes


    Does your housing authority struggle with long vacancy periods and inefficient lease-up processes? This webinar will explore innovative strategies like remote inspections, pre-inspections, leveraging other funds for deposits/rent, expediting eligibility determinations, and streamlined recertifications to help PHAs lease units faster and more effectively.Does your housing authority struggle with long vacancy periods and inefficient lease-up processes? This webinar will explore innovative strategies like remote inspections, pre-inspections, leveraging other funds for deposits/rent, expediting eligibility determinations, and streamlined recertifications to help PHAs lease units faster and more effectively.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - 2024 Funding and the Two-Year Tool


    This webinar will cover 2024 funding and updates to the Two Year Tool.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Source of Income Protections


    This presention will briefly cover updates on 2024 funding and delve into the launch of the Source of Income Protections website, including insights from the Seattle Housing Authority and the Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority. We'll also and provide key information on the FYI Competitive Funding Notice, 2024 FYI/FUPY Convenings, and the VASH Admin Fee Notice.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Review of Financial Communications and Dashboard Updates


    This webinar will provide an explanation of HCV financial communications including reconciliations and enclosures. Updates on new dashboards including the Homeownership Dashboard.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Best Practices in Landlord Engagement


    This webinar focuses on the HUD resources and guidance available to support PHA local efforts to promote landlord engagement activities for recruiting and retaining landlord participation in the HCV program.  Leadership from two PHAs among the top agencies nation-wide that have reduced leasing potential and increased budget authority spending offer their best practices for successful landlord engagement efforts.   HUD landlord engagement efforts taken in 2023 and the outlook for landlord engagement in 2024 are shared, as well as HCV funding expectations for 2024.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - End of Year Reconciliation and Special Purpose Vouchers


    The first half of this webinar will focus on the end of year reconciliation and the baselining process for 2024 funding. For the second half we will discuss Special Purpose Vouchers.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - No Appropriations? No Problem! Ok, well, some problems… let’s talk


    How to effectively operate your program during periods of unknown funding.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Mobility Best Practices


    There are many opportunities to leverage HCV policies and funding to help families expand their housing options. During this webinar we will discuss:

    • An update on the Community Choice Demonstration, which is building evidence about what works best for housing mobility services at 8 PHA sites
    • PIH Notice 2022-18 which describes using administrative fees in a variety of ways that can be used to help families access more neighborhoods
    • PIH notice 2023-23 which describes expanded uses of the EHV Services Fee, including for housing mobility services to encourage moves to high opportunity neighborhoods
    • Using SAFMRs and exception payment standards in opportunity areas
    • PHA administrative policies like voucher search time and portability streamlining and partnerships to help families access more neighborhoods
    • Ensuring effective operations to help encourage landlord participation
    Presentation Slides

    SAFMR Webinar for PHAs


    This webinar provides additional information to PHAs that are designed to adopt Small Area Fair Market Rents in 2024.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Examples of Leveraging Technology


    We’ll be discussing several ways how investing in technology can improve efficiency and reduce the administrative burden of PHA’s.  We’ll be joined by several innovative PHA’s who will present ways they have used technology to improve their daily operations.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - NSPIRE for HCV


    Join us for an update on NSPIRE for HCV.  We will provide a summary of the latest guidance and resources to help PHAs implement NSPIRE.Presentation Slides

    Housing Mobility Toolkit – Updating Program Materials


    This webinar is the final in the Housing Mobility Toolkit series. It describes how PHAs can customize and tailor the toolkit materials for their unique housing mobility programs. The Housing Mobility Toolkit offers a variety of examples and sample materials for PHAs and their partners to adapt and implement a Housing Mobility Program in their community, available on the HUD Exchange.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Considering Small Area FMRs 


    A chance to walk through the new Small Area FMR dashboard/web page, learn about the benefits of Small Area FMRs, how to implement them, and a reminder about additional funds.Presentation Slides

    Housing Mobility Toolkit - Program Framework


    This webinar provides an overview of the theoretical foundations and practice frameworks used in the development of the program model described in the Housing Mobility Toolkit materials. The Housing Mobility Toolkit offers a variety of examples and sample materials for PHAs and their partners to adapt and implement a Housing Mobility Program in their community, available on the HUD Exchange.Presentation Slides

    Housing Mobility Toolkit - Program Setup


    This webinar offers an overview of the steps PHAs and their program partners should take in order to create a Housing Mobility Program, from assessing the PHA’s starting place to developing a case management system, as described in the Housing Mobility Toolkit: Program Setup document. The Housing Mobility Toolkit offers a variety of examples and sample materials for PHAs and their partners to adapt and implement a Housing Mobility Program in their community, available on the HUD Exchange.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar- New Homelessness Guidance


    This webinar reviews the recent joint PIH/CPD Notice, “Guidance on housing individuals and families experiencing homelessness through the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs” (Notice PIH 2023-15/CPD 2023-05). An update to PIH 2013-15, the Notice provides guidance to PHAs on policies and practices to serve families experiencing homelessness most effectively and remove barriers to program entry. Presentation Slides

    Housing Mobility Toolkit Program Overview


    This webinar in the Housing Mobility Toolkit Webinar Series provides an overview of the components of a housing mobility program.  Topics include family and landlord recruitment, pre- and post-move services and policies, assistance and incentives to ensure a successful mobility program.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar- Best Practices in Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)


    Are you looking for better practices in Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)?  Well, you’ve come to the WRONG PLACE!  This session will cover the BEST practices in Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH).  That’s right… VASH is the topic; be excited!Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Project Based Voucher (PBV) Program Updates


    After a quick 2023 HCV funding update, this webinar will review the latest HUD guidance regarding the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program, provide an update on new PBV provisions in HOTMA, discuss tips for maintaining PBV occupancy, and host a Q&A with some of HUD’s PBV policy experts.Presentation Slides

    Introduction to the Housing Mobility Toolkit


    A new technical assistance resource, the Housing Mobility Toolkit, is available for PHAs interested in implementing housing mobility programs. This webinar will provide an introduction and overview on the Housing Mobility Toolkit.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Addressing Homelessness through HCV


    This webinar will review the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness’ (USICH) Federal Strategic Plan (FSP) and how HCV resources can be deployed to end homelessness. Specifically, we will cover recent updates, funding opportunities, and new tools available in Special Purpose Voucher programs including the Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative and Family Unification Program (FUP), Stability Vouchers, EHVs, and VASH. We will also give a brief overview of the new Mobility toolkit and the FY23 Set Aside funding application process and awards.Presentation Slides
    Emergency Housing Voucher Program’s 2022 HAP Cash Reconciliation and 2023 HAP Contract RenewalsThis video provides financial guidance to PHAs administering the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program on Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) cash reconciliations, and the 2023 HAP contract renewals.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Review of 2023 Funding


    Subject to availability, HUD will be discussing 2023 funding, including the implementation notice.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Best Practices in Waitlist Management


    This webinar will focus on, yes, waitlists!  Per usual, the call will open with any HCV program updates of note, notably related to funding.  The call will then move on to discuss the rules and regs around waitlists, wrapping up with a discussion of some of the more interesting waitlist practices being pursued by PHAs.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Improving Program Data & 2023 Funding Update


    This webinar will focus on the importance of timely and accurate household data (from the HUD 50058), how this data informs leasing success rates, and help PHAs transition to eVMS. We will also provide an update on the 2023 Appropriation and the significant HCV funding increase PHAs should expect.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Simplifying Operations


    We will be hosting an HCV Utilization Webinar on Tuesday, December 15th from 2-3 Eastern to update HCV program administrators on program options housing authorities may use to simplify operations.  This webinar will cover topics such as biennial and triennial inspections, remote video inspections, streamlined reexaminations, and other HCV program policies.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Increasing HCV Leasing


    This webinar will highlight recent HCV program changes aimed at helping PHAs improve leasing, update everyone on the recent Fair Share Voucher allocation, and provide a round table discussion with a group of PHAs that significantly increased HCV program leasing in 2022.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar:  Back by Popular Demand... Tool Time!


    This webinar included an update on funding from HCV’s Financial Management Division.  Additionally, there was a discussion surrounding some of the misunderstandings in PIH 2022-30; notably, whether a PHA could apply for the first time (guess what?  A PHA can!).  The funding conversation then continued with discussion how the Two-Year Tool handles CY 2023 on the proration, inflation, and offset fronts.  Finally, the call wrapped up by working through a specific example of a Payment Standard Tool and a Two-Year Tool.N/A

    HCV Utilization Webinar: 2023 Fair Market Rents


    On September 21st we hosted an HCV Utilization Webinar regarding the 2023 Fair Market Rents (FMRs).  For many PHAs, the 2023 FMRs represent a substantial increase from 2022.  The webinar covered the 2023 FMR methodology and steps PHAs may take to implement the implement the FMRs. N/A

    HCV Utilization Webinar: Rent Reasonableness


    During this webinar, HUD will provide an overview of the basic of rent reasonableness, as well as dive into some of the common issues and concerns faced by PHAs, as well as some best practices.Presentation Slides

    2022 HCV Funding Implementation Broadcast


    This broadcast provides information to housing agencies and financial analysts in the field offices regarding the funds appropriated to the Office of Housing Voucher Program for CY 2022, the renewal calculation provisions, and set-aside adjustment funding.Presentation Slides

    HCV Program: CARES Act Reconciliation Closeout


    CARES Act Funding Closeout HCV Program, Mainstream Vouchers, and Moderate Rehab Programs.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar: Using Administrative Fees to Improve Leasing Success


    This webinar will present best practices for using HCV Administrative Fees to improve leasing success and discuss the new HCV Administrative Fee Notice (Notice PIH 2022-18).Presentation Slides

    Housing Mobility - Part 3 of 3

    What are Mobility-Related Services?


    There are a range of “mobility-related services” that can support voucher holders who are interested in moving to an opportunity neighborhoods. This webinar will discuss what these strategies are, including pre-move coaching, housing search assistance, landlord outreach and recruitment, flexible inancial assistance, and post-move services.Presentation Slides

    Housing Mobility - Part 2 of 3

    Considerations for Launching a Housing Mobility Program 


    There are a number of things to take into consideration when planning for an launching a housing mobility program for voucher holders. This webinar will cover what PHAs may want to consider as they begin developing housing mobility programs to help voucher holders access a wider variety of communities, especially well-resourced neighborhoods.Presentation Slides

    Housing Mobility - Part 1 of 3

    The Community Choice Demonstration: An Overview 


    During this webinar, HUD will share information about the Community Choice Demonstration, which is being implemented at 9 PHA sites across the country. Topics that will be covered include: background and purpose, mobility-related services that will be offered to voucher holders, and the current status of the demonstration.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar: Practices in Tenant Search Assistance 


    This call will highlight ways PHAs have improved leasing through tenant search assistance. Presentation Slides

    Issuing Vouchers and Leasing Virtually​


    This training will cover best practices for virtual voucher issuance and the unit leasing process for PHAs that wish to move some program functions to a remote environment.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar: 2022 Funding and Implementation Notice


    This webinar will provide an update on the 2022 HCV funding, Review the key details from the HCV Implementation Notice and discuss the resources available to help PHAs maximize program funds.Presentation Slides

    Adopting Best Practices for Virtual Operations Part 1 &

    Part 2

    (May 17 & 19, 2022)

    This training explores considerations for PHAs when they implement remote operations. Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar: Considering Project-Based Vouchers (PBV)

    (April 21, 2022)

    This webinar will review the PBV program requirement, highlight PBV resources, and provide case studies for how PHAs have used PBVs to improve HCV program utilization.Presentation Slides
    HCV Utilization Webinar: Payment Standards, Rent Burdens, and Waivers

    (March 17, 2022)
    This webinar featured an in-depth discussion of payment standards, rent burdens, and waivers; it included a live creation and analysis of a Payment Standard Tool (PST). The PST assists PHAs in seeing the programmatic implications of a payment standard change on both rent burden and per-unit cost. Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar – Landlord Engagement

    (February 17, 2022)

    This webinar reviewed the latest resources available to PHAs to help promote landlord engagement and satisfaction with the HCV program.  The webinar highlights landlord educational videos, landlord testimonials, best practices for landlord engagement, a toolkit for planning and facilitating your own landlord symposium, and an info sheet explaining the role of PHAs.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar – Payment Standard and Two-Year-Tool Overview

    (January 12, 2022 )

    This webinar reviewed tools and strategies available to help PHAs maintain and improve utilization going into 2022.  The webinar highlighted the new expedited waiver made available in Notice PIH 2021-34 that will allow most PHAs to increase their payment standard up to 120 percent of Fair Market Rent (FMR). The webinar also contained a live demonstration of the Two-Year Tool (TYT) and provided examples of how the TYT can help PHAs fully utilize HCV program funds.Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar - Improving HCV Leasing Sucess

    (November 09, 2021)

    This webinar focused on the steps that PHAs can take to improve voucher holder leasing success such as adjusting payment and subsidy standards, adopting Small Area Fair Market Rents, improving landlord engagement, and developing project-based units.   Presentation Slides

    HCV Utilization Webinar – Serving additional families by maximizing program utilization 

    (September 09, 2021) 

    This webinar reviewed PHA HCV program balances, provided an outlook for funding in 2022, and reviewed the tools and program resources available to help PHA maximize their HCV utilization. Presentation Slides

    HCV Data Dashboard Presentation 

    (April 09, 2021) 

    This 25 min video provides a summary of recent HCV Data Dashboard improvements.N/A
    2021 HCV Funding Webcast The annual webcast explaining the 2021 HCV Allocation produced by the HCV Financial Management Division. Presentation Slides