Available Resources - Second Chance Homes

    List of Available Resources

    The List of Available Resources Chart is also available in Adobe PDF format (.pdf) (4 pages).

    HHS Sources of Assistance

    What Aspects of SCH Can These Funds Pay For?
    Restrictions on Funding Who Receives Funds? Where can I get more information?
    Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant and State Maintenance of Effort Dollars (MOE)
    Planning & operating costs; cash assistance to teens; parenting & life skills classes; child care; job training & placement; counseling; case management; follow-up services. Also, anything that reasonably meets the four broad purposes of TANF. For MOE all of the above. Cannot be used for facility construction or medical care except family planning; "assistance" such as housing an cash aid can only go to needy teens. For MOE, all funds must be spent on needy families. States define who is needy. States, in the form of block grants; states decide how funds are spent within context of TANF; plan that must be reviewed and certified by HHS. For MOE, state decides how funds are spent. State contacts for this funding stream are provided through the Office of Family Assistance.
    Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)
    Child care assistance for low- income families who are working or attending training/education; quality improvement efforts such as grants or training for child care providers. CCDF cannot be used for construction or major renovation (except for Indian Tribes). Families receiving subsidies must meet income eligibility requirements and have children under age 13 (or age 19 if not capable of self care). States, Territories, and Indian Tribes in the form of formula block grants. State contacts for this funding stream are provided through the

    Administration for Children and Families, Child Care Bureau.

    Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)
    Planning & operating costs; parenting & life skills classes; child care; job training & placement; counseling; case management; follow-up services. Cannot be used for facility purchase, construction, renovation; medical care except family planning; cash aid; unlicensed child care; drug rehab; public education; room and board; services in hospitals, nursing homes, or prisons. States, in the form of formula block grants; states must report to HHS on how funds are spent and who is served. State contacts for this funding stream are provided through the

    Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) page.

    Child Welfare Services Title IV-B Subpart 1 and 2 Funds
    Child welfare services, family preservation and reunification, family support, adoption promotion and support. All children receiving State or Federal foster care funds must also receive certain protections under Title IV-B. States and Indian Tribes receive Title IV-B subpart 1 and 2 funds on a formula basis. Children's Bureau Programs
    Independent Living Program
    Room and board (for youth aged 18-21 only); education; life skills training; counseling; case management. Funds must be spent on youth between the ages of 18 and 21 to assist them in making the transition from foster care to independent living. States, on a formula basis. Children's Bureau Programs
    Transitional Living Program for Homeless Youth
    Housing, life skills training, interpersonal skills building, education, job training, health care. Funds can only be used to serve youth aged 16-21 for up to 18 months who are: homeless, including those for whom it is not possible to live in a safe environment with a relative; and who do not have an alternative safe living arrangement. HHS awards 3-year competitive grants to multi-purpose youth service organizations. Transitional Living Program for Homeless Youth (TLP)

    HUD Sources of Assistance

    What Aspects of SCH Can These Funds Pay For? Restrictions on Funding Who Receives Funds? Where can I get more information?
    Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
    Facility purchase, construction, renovation; planning operating costs; parenting & life skills classes; child care; job training & placement; counseling; case management; follow-up services. At least 70 percent of funds must benefit low and moderate income families; states and communities must prepare action plan with community input. States, major cities, urban counties, in the form of formula block grants. Contact your local HUD office.
    HUD Supportive Housing Program
    Facility purchase, construction, renovation; new or increased services to the homeless; operating expenses; some admin costs. Funds must be spent on homeless persons only; 25 percent set aside for families with children; 25 percent set aside for disabled; 10 percent set aside for supportive services not provided with housing. Homeless minors may be eligible to receive services under this funding source unless they are considered wards of the state under applicable state law. HUD awards 3-year, renewable competitive grants to states, tribes, cities, counties, other governmental entities, private non-profits, community mental health associations. Contact your local HUD office.


    HUD Emergency Shelter Grants
    Facility renovation; operating costs; homelessness prevention; employment, health, drug abuse, education services. Funds must be spent on the homeless or those at risk of being homeless; only 5 percent of funds can be used for admin costs, and 30 percent for prevention and services. Homeless minors may be eligible to receive services under this funding source unless they are considered wards of the state under applicable state law. States, major cities, urban counties, in the form of formula grants. Contact your local HUD office.


    Rental Assistance Vouchers
    In general, the voucher pays the landlord the difference between 30% of a renting family’s gross income and the price of the rental unit, up to a local maximum. Teenage mothers may be eligible for vouchers. However, the voucher program requires that a lease be signed by the renter, and in some states minors may not sign a lease. Individual PHAs determine whether a shared housing facility is an acceptable use for the voucher. The PHA must approve the renter and the unit according to various eligibility criteria. In order to receive a voucher, a renter must apply to his/her local Public

    Housing Authority.

    Contact your local Public Housing Authority.
    HUD’s Dollar Homes Program
    Property acquisition. Local governments (cities and counties) can purchase HUD owned homes for $1 each, plus closing costs, to create housing for families and communities in need. Local governments can purchase these homes and then convey them to non-profit organizations for use. Dollar Homes

    Also, the full text of Housing Notice 00-7 ("Implementation of $1 Home Sales to Local Governments Program") can be downloaded at HUD Clips (Click on "2000 Housing Notices")

    HUD’s Non-Profit Sales Program
    Property acquisition. Direct sales of properties foreclosed by the Federal Housing Authority. Discounts of 30% off the list price are offered if the property is not eligible for FHA insurance and is located in a HUD-designated "revitalization" area. Other properties are offered at 10% discounts off list price (or 15% if five or more properties are purchased and closed in a single transaction). These discounts apply to sales in both restricted and general property listings. Non-profit organizations can purchase properties at a discount through this program.

    Sales to Non-Profit Organizations

    Other Sources of Assistance

    What Aspects of SCH Can These Funds Pay For? Restrictions on Funding Who Receives Funds? Where can I get more information?
    McKinney Act Title V Program
    Property acquisition. Properties are leased without charge for a period of 1 to 20 years, but the entity providing homeless services must pay for operating and repair costs. Surplus properties can be made available to States, local governments and non-profit organizations for use to assist the homeless. Available properties are listed in the HUD Federal Register notice listing property availability. HHS handles the application portion of the program. Within HUD: at the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs

    (202) 708-1234

    From HHS: (301) 443-2265

    Military Base Closures
    Property acquisition. When a military base is being closed, a Local Redevelopment Authority is designated to redeploy the assets of the base. Contact your Local Redevelopment Authority
