The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program is a new housing voucher program funded by the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Through EHV, HUD has provided 70,000 tenant-based housing choice vouchers (HCVs) to local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to assist individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, or who were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability.
EHV Overview Notice 2023-14 Guidance on Termination of Voushers Upon Turnover After September 30, 2023 and EHV Shortfalls Due to Per-Unit Cost Increases or Overleasing.(Recorded: July 11, 2023 and July 18, 2023)
Summary (July 11, 2023): On June 29, 2023, HUD published Notice PIH 2023-14. This session detailed the statory restriction prohibiting the reissuance of turnover EHVs after September 30, 2023, provided guidance in resolving EHV program funding shortfalls for either PUC increases or over-leasing and provided a demo of the new EHV Dashboard to assist PHAs in tracking EHV leasing and issuance authority.
EHV TA Resources & Hot Topics (Recorded January 10, 2023)
Summary: This session will highlight a number of TA resources that have been developed to assist communities in the administration of the EHV program. It will also offer an opportunity for participants to provide input on specific focus areas to develop additional guidance & TA resources.
Celebrating EHV Successes (Recorded December 6, 2022)
Summary: Opening remarks will be provided from HUD’s Deputy Secretary and a senior level official from HUD’s Office of the Secretary. This Office Hours session will highlight the accomplishments of PHAs and partners in their implementation of the Emergency Housing Voucher program, explore best practices in EHV and feature a Q&A panel with HUD leadership on future EHV program goals.
EHV Successes & Challenges: Moving Forward in 2022 (Recorded January 11, 2022)
Summary: Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs) offer an opportunity to greatly reduce homelessness in many communities. This session will highlight three EHV Communities focusing on their successes, challenges, and future plans for EHV implementation.
EHV Updates (Recorded August 31, 2021)
Summary: Provides a general overview on EHV-related PIH Notices published to date and provides communities with an open forum to ask questions related to the implementation of EHVs.
Making the Most of EHV Waivers (Recorded June 1, 2021)
Summary: Attendees will be able to identify ways they can use waivers allowable per the EHV notice to expedite lease ups, serve people that they may not have been able to connect with PHA resources before, and ensure that EHVs are successful in serving the priority populations identified by the community.
Presentation | Webinar Recording | Meeting Summary
Pairing Services and EHVs (Recorded May 20, 2021)
Summary: Attendees will be equipped to have inclusive conversations locally about the most strategic ways to target vouchers, services funding, and other resources based on local needs.
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Strategy for Targeting EHVs and Related Resources (Recorded May 18, 2021)
Summary: Attendees will be equipped to have inclusive conversations locally about the most strategic ways to target vouchers, services funding, and other resources based on local needs.
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Partnerships for EHVs (Recorded May 13, 2021)
Summary: Attendees will be able to identify key partners and their roles, and be prepared to engage with key partners to initiate planning for implementation of EHVs.
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EHV Overview for CoC (Recorded May 12, 2021)
Summary: HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development will provide an overview to CoC's and their partners on EHVs. Attendees will gain an understanding of eligible population, roles, responsibilities and flexibilities afforded to local communities to aide in leasing eligible households.
Presentation | Webinar Recording | Webinar Transcript
Notice Overview (Recorded May 11, 2021)
Summary: Attendees (PHAs and CoCs) will be presented with the operating requirements of the EHV program
Presentation | Webinar Recording
Coordinated Entry and EHVs (Recorded May 5, 2021)
Summary: Attendees will be equipped to develop or update coordinated entry policies and processes around assessing households from eligible and prioritized populations and making direct referrals to PHAs. Attendees will be able to identify opportunities to increase CE capacity to handle EHV referrals and strategies for expediting referrals.
EHV Compliance and Common Concerns (Recorded May 2, 2023)
Summary: With implementation of the EHV program now in the second year, HUD has been able to review a number of programs and identify areas where issues commonly arise in program administration. This session covers the key EHV program areas reviewed during monitoring and common compliance findings and concerns.
Resolving IMS/PIC Reporting Discrepancies in the EHV Exception Report (Recorded February 1, 2022)
Summary: Resolving IMS/PIC Reporting Discrepancies in the EHV Exception Report (please bold title). HUD created an EHV Exception Report to aid EHV PHAs in identifying IMS/PIC reporting discrepancies. This session will explore tips on running the EHV Exception Report to analyze and correct discrepancies.
EHV Financial Reporting Training Video (Recorded March 4, 2022)
Summary: This video summarizes HUD’s accounting and reporting guidance for EHV participating PHAs.
Resolving IMS/PIC Reporting Discrepancies in the EHV Exception Report (Recorded February 1, 2022)
Summary: Resolving IMS/PIC Reporting Discrepancies in the EHV Exception Report (please bold title). HUD created an EHV Exception Report to aid EHV PHAs in identifying IMS/PIC reporting discrepancies. This session will explore tips on running the EHV Exception Report to analyze and correct discrepancies.
EHV Dashboard Demonstration (Recorded November 16, 2021)
Summary: Provides an overview of the newly created “on-demand” dashboard that provides daily updates on leasing, issuances and unit utilization for the EHV program and overall EHV funding and award data by PHA using information from IMS/PIC and HUDCAPS.
Compliance and Recordkeeping in the EHV Program (Recorded September 28, 2021)
Summary: Focuses on PHA compliance with EHV programmatic and financial recordkeeping requirements.
EHV Reporting (Recorded July 27, 2021)
Summary: Discuss IMS/PIC, VMS and FDS reporting
Supporting EHV Households through the Housing Search Process (Recorded July 26, 2022)
Summary: This webinar will prepare housing search staff to support households with vouchers throughout the housing identification process. Attendees will learn how to assess housing preferences, tenant screening barriers, and housing retention barriers and respond by tailoring housing search support to households’ individualized needs. Learn tips for preparing households for landlord conversations, finding units, and leveraging community-based resources.
Marketing, Outreach, and Retention Strategies (Recorded July 12, 2022)
Summary: The Landlord Marketing, Outreach, and Retention webinar will focus on landlord engagement and retention strategies and best practices. CoCs, PHAs, and other community partners will learn strategies, best practices, and tips for:
- Identifying and engaging landlords
- Promoting/marketing the EHV program to landlords
- Maintaining strong relationships with landlords
Landlord Financial Incentives (Recorded June 28, 2022)
Summary: The Landlord Incentives webinar will focus on creating financial and other incentives to encourage private market landlords to lease their units to EHV households. The webinar will cover tips and strategies for developing and communicating about landlord incentive programs and will provide details about incentive programs from communities around the country. Participants will learn about a range of incentives, including financial incentives such as new and returning landlord bonuses and other payments, risk mitigation or landlord support funds, and funds to bring unit up to HQS standards; as well as non-financial incentives such as on-call support, repair services, and landlord-tenant or tenant-tenant mediation support.
System-Level Approaches to Landlord Engagement (Recorded June 14, 2022)
Summary: The System-Level Approaches to Landlord Engagement webinar will highlight components of large-scale recruitment efforts communities can implement to meet their system-wide unit acquisition needs. Attendees will learn about system-level strategies and tips for organizing a coordinated landlord engagement approach in their own communities, including how to assess their local housing market and develop a strategy responsive to the local landscape.
Best Practices for Housing Search and Tenant Readiness Services (Recorded December 14, 2021)
Summary: Focuses on the housing search process, how EHV service fees may be used to incentivize landlord participation and will highlight best practices in programs tailored to aide prospective PHA participants in overcoming barriers to access and maintain housing.
EHV Service Fees for PHAs: Landlord Engagement and Housing Navigation Strategies (Recorded June 29, 2021)
Summary: Highlight current PHA and community practices to provide Housing search assistance including housing navigation and landlord incentives.
Strategic Collaborations for Successful EHV Implementation (Recorded February 15, 2022)
Summary: HUD is partnering with the Urban Institute, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) to discuss challenges implementing EHVs, but also highlight how PHAs and CoCs are responding effectively to prioritize persons with the highest needs and greatest barriers. This Office Hours session will delve into results of an Urban Institute survey of PHAs and CoCs that will help us all understand and assess challenges that partners are facing - including challenges involving partnerships, engagement with coordinated entry processes, alignment of services resources, and reaching and serving people facing the most significant barriers. National and local partners will offer guidance and examples of how such challenges can and are being addressed in local communities.
CoC 101 (Recorded June 15, 2021)
Summary: Hiighlight key elements of the CoC and ESG programs including the core purposes of the programs, to review the functional elements of a CoC, introduce the role and operations of a coordinated entry system, and continue to discussion on partnerships between PHAs and CoCs.
Portability in EHVs (Recorded December 7, 2021)
Summary: Provides guidance pertaining to portability and provides PHAs with an opportunity to ask questions during an expanded Q& A session.
Portability in EHV (Recorded July 20, 2021)
Summary: The Portability in EHV Office Hours will explore how PHAs can implement portability requirements in the EHV program. PHAs will share their best practices in porting and HUD will provide information on portability in the EHV program.
EHV Recertification Process (Recorded June 6, 2023)
Summary: The rollout of the EHV program required PHAs & CoCs to collaborate and quickly stand-up programs that resulted in the successful leasing of many households in a short period. To assist PHAs in preparing for the completion of administrative tasks relating to re-certifications for these households, this session is designed to provide considerations to ensure that the re-certification of EHV households goes smoothly.
Engaging Persons with Lived Experience (Recorded November 1, 2022 and August 1, 2023)
Summary (November 1, 2022): Incorporating the voices of persons with lived expertise (PWLE) can be a transformative resource in a community’s efforts to end homelessness. In this Office Hours session, we will explore tips for engaging PWLE to support planning and implementation efforts and improve our homeless system by advancing equity throughout.
Shared Housing in EHV (Recorded March 7, 2023)
Summary: Shared housing can be an effective solution to increasing housing options for people at-risk or experiencing homelessness. This session will focus on the shared housing model and how it can be utilized in the EHV program. It will include a review of the essential components of this model and best practices that have made this an effective strategy in housing identification.
Engaging Persons with Lived Experience (Recorded November 1, 2022)
Summary: Incorporating the voices of persons with lived expertise (PWLE) can be a transformative resource in a community’s efforts to end homelessness. In this Office Hours session, we will explore tips for engaging PWLE to support planning and implementation efforts, and improve our homeless system by advancing equity throughout.
Adoption of Waivers: Policy & Process Considerations (Recorded April 19, 2022)
Summary: HUD has established a number of waivers and alternative requirements within the EHV program to expedite lease-ups and serve people that may not have been able to connect with PHA resources before. This session will highlight policy and process considerations for PHAs to increase successful outcomes in the adoption and implementation of waivers within their program.
Effective EHV Referral & Intake Processes (Recorded April 5, 2022)
Summary: This session will explore the role of the referral partner, key referral process components, and effective referral and intake practices for timely issuance of vouchers.
Implementing EHVs in Rural Communities (Recorded March 22, 2022)
Summary: Rural communities face unique challenges that can be overcome by developing and expanding partnerships that are a key component of EHV. This EHV Office Hours will explore considerations for Rural Communities, discuss barriers facing PHAs implementing EHVs and identify opportunities to collaborate with partners to effectively utilize EHVs.
Administrative Plan Amendments and Process (Recorded November 9, 2021)
Summary: Provides an overview of EHV requirements related to Administrative Plan amendments and process including information on what constitutes a significant amendment, when public notice or public comment is required and quality assurance tips for success.
Tracking Program Progress & Making Course Adjustments (October 12, 2021)
Summary: Focuses on how communities are reviewing and tracking goals and benchmarks established in their MOU for utilization of EHVs.
EHV Prioritization (Recorded August 3, 2021)
SummaryHighlight how different communities are prioritizing populations within eligible categories. Discussion will include aspects of the decision-making and tools or processes being developed to assist in prioritization.
Screening for EHVs (Recorded July 13, 2021)
Summary: This Office hours will focus on the screening aspect of EHV implementation and how PHAs can use waivers to implement reduced screening and documentation practices.
EHV Program Design - Prioritization & Referral Processes (Recorded June 22, 2021)
Summary: Introduce ways PHAs and communities prioritized target populations for their EHVs and will explore the mechanics of referrals and the role of referral. Explore the way some communities are thinking about tracking referrals.
Implementing EHVs in Rural Areas (Recorded June 8, 2021)
Summary: This EHV Office Hours will examine specific considerations for Rural Communities as they work across more expansive geographies where CoCs may need to: partner with multiple PHAs, identify new pathways or non-traditional partners to outreach to both clients and landlords, increase PHA and/or coordinated entry capacity within challenging hiring environments, and/or think outside of the box in ways only rural communities know how in order to effectively utilize EHV allocations. Join us for discussion, peer-sharing and Q&A.
Management & Reporting of Service Fees (Recorded February 7, 2023)
Summary:The EHV program service fee has been a crucial resource for PHAs & CoCs to successfully house EHV participants. This session will provide valuable tips on evaluating the best use of these funds to effectively serve participants.
Using EHV Service Fees to Successfully Lease EHV Families (Recorded August 23, 2022)
Summary:EHV Service Fees are designed to support EHV families in their efforts to secure housing and at the same time ensure that PHA’s implement and operate an effective EHV program. This Office Hours session will explore considerations in developing a menu of services that help eliminate housing barriers experienced by EHV eligible families, discuss eligible uses and documentation requirements.
EHV Services Fees (Recorded August 17, 2021)
Summary: This session will outline eligible uses of services fees and highlight how PHAs have structured service fees in their EHV programs.
EHV Service Fees for PHAs: Landlord Engagement and Housing Navigation Strategies (Recorded June 29, 2021)
Summary: Highlight current PHA and community practices to provide Housing search assistance including housing navigation and landlord incentives.
Using EHV's to Serve Youth Households (Recorded September 20, 2022)
Summary: To achieve the best results for all young people within a community, partners need to respond to youth experiencing homelessness with an integrated, collaborative approach. This EHV Office Hours will examine the importance of partnerships, highlight policy considerations for serving youth households and explore best practices in ensuring access to safe, affordable housing for young adults experiencing homelessness.
Housing Returning Citizens with EHVs (Recorded August 9, 2022)
Summary: This session will focus on opportunities for PHAs and CoCs to utilize permanent housing resources and EHV waiver flexibilities to better serve the needs of returning citizens and take meaningful steps to advance access and equity. The discussion will include an overview of HUD’s commitment to increasing access for returning citizens, resources for PHAs to expand access to those with criminal histories, as well as showcasing community use of vouchers to serve returning citizens.
Serving Survivors in EHV (Recorded May 17, 2022)
Summary: This session will focus on partnerships between PHAs, CoCs and VSPs to utilize EHVs to serve survivors. Discussion will include prioritization of resources for survivors, referral processes that protect confidentiality, and policy and service considerations in program implementation.
Serving Recently Homeless Families in EHV (Recorded (May 3, 2022)
Summary: This session will focus on utilizing EHVs to serve households who are recently homeless and highlight strategies and considerations for supporting successful transitions. This will include discussion on eligible populations, assessment/prioritization processes, and effective practices to improve transitioning in place.
Using EHV to Serve Survivors (Recorded September 14, 2021)
Summary: Focuses on specific issues and policies for PHAs and EHV partners to consider in serving survivors. Discussion will include working with VSPs around development of trauma-informed practices, respecting confidentiality in referral processes, and barriers/considerations in the provision of housing search assistance.
Serving Survivors and Coordinated Entry (Recorded June 8, 2021)
Summary: Highlight domestic violence and trafficking victim service providers and how they work with Coordinated Entry and what they can offer the EHV applicants.
ACF Resources for Housing Supportive Services (Recorded August 16, 2021)
Presentation | Webinar Recording
CMS-Medicaid Resources for Housing Supportive Services (Recorded August 12, 2021)
Presentation | Webinar Recording
SAMHSA Resources for Housing Supportive Service (Recorded July 14, 2021)
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