The guidance documents on this page outline planning considerations available to PHAs as they evaluate how to effectively and efficiently navigate the CARES Act Waivers expiration. These documents detail various options available as waivers conclude, presenting them in an accessible format to PHA staff, residents, community members, and governing bodies. Each guide focuses on specific aspects of PHA operations impacted by the CARES Act waiver and provides direction to PHAs on how they may (or must proceed, in some instances) to ensure compliance with regulations and federal housing policy upon expiration of the waivers. HUD did not issue guides for waivers that were either already expired, or where it was not necessary to do so because sufficient information was included in Notice PIH 2021-14 entitled COVID-19 Statutory and Regulatory Waivers and Alternative Requirements for the Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher (including Mainstream and Mod Rehab), Indian Housing Block Grant and Indian Community Development Block Grant programs, Suspension of Public Housing Assessment System and Section Eight Management Assessment Program, Revision 3. There will be separate guidance issued for the Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) and Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) waivers at a later date and this site will be updated once the information becomes available.
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Guidance documents supporting waivers about verifications, and monitoring of income, review of citizenship and social security numbers, and proof of family composition for Public Housing tenants. This section contains information applicable to the Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher and Mod Rehab programs.
View Verification Guidance hereExpand to view waivers included in this guidance below:
Specific Waivers
- PH and HCV-3: Family Income and Composition: Annual Examination: Income Verification Requirements
- PH and HCV-5: Enterprise Income Verification (EIV Monitoring)
- PH and HCV-8: Eligibility Determination: Income Verification
- PH and HCV-9: Eligibility Determination: Social Security Number and Citizenship Verification
- MR-0: Family Income and Composition: Annual Examination: Income Verification Requirements
- MR-4: Enterprise Income Verification Monitoring
Guidance on public housing, Housing Choice Voucher Housing Quality Standards, and Moderate Rehabilitation inspections for PHAs that adopted waivers for inspections that may not be possible or, in some instances, safe during the pandemic. This section contains information applicable to the Public Housing, Mod Rehab, and Housing Choice Voucher programs.
View Inspection Guidance hereExpand to view waivers included in this guidance below:
Specific Waivers
- PH-12: Public Housing Agency Annual Self-Inspections
- HQS-1: Initial Inspection Requirements
- HQS-2: PBV Pre-HAP Contract Inspections: PHA Acceptance of Completed Units
- HQS-3: Initial Inspection: Non-Life-Threatening Deficiencies (NLT) Options
- HQS-4: HQS Initial Inspection Requirements: Alternative Inspection Option
- HQS-5: HQS Inspection Requirement: Biennial Inspections
- HQS-6: HQS Interim Inspections
- HQS-7: PBV Turnover Unit Inspections
- HQS-8: PBV HAP Contract: HQS Inspections to Add or Substitute Units
- HQS-9: HQS Quality Control Inspections
- HQS-10: HQS: Space and Security
- HQS-11: Homeownership Option: Initial HQS Inspection
- MR-5: PHA Inspection Requirement: Annual Inspections
Occupancy Policies
Explains waivers designed to afford PHAs the opportunity to allow families to remain in assisted units during the pandemic. This section contains information applicable to the Public Housing and HCV programs.
View Occupancy Policies Guidance hereExpand to view waivers included in this guidance below:
Specific Waivers
- HCV-5: Absence from Unit
- HCV-6: Automatic Termination of HAP Contract
- HCV-14: Mandatory Removal of Unit from PBV HAP Contract
- PH-7: Over-Income Families
- PH-13: Over-Income Limit: Termination Requirement
PBV and Enhanced Voucher Provisions on Under-Occupied Units
These waivers enabled homeless families to enter into initial lease agreements for under-occupied Project-Based Voucher (PBV) or Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) PBV units. This section contains information applicable to the Project-based Voucher, RAD Project-based Voucher, and Enhanced Voucher programs.
View PBV and Enhanced Voucher Provisions on Under-Occupied Units Guidance hereExpand to view waivers included in this guidance below:
Specific Waivers
HCV-15: PBV and Enhanced Voucher Provisions on Under-Occupied Units
Capital Programs
These waivers provided flexibilities for capital program operations, recognizing that PHAs were operating remotely, and that there was a general upheaval of the construction industry. This section also contains information for two additional waivers included in Notice PIH 2020-24. This section contains information applicable to the Public Housing program.
View Capital Programs Guidance hereExpand to view waivers included in this guidance below:
Specific Waivers
- PH-1: Fiscal Closeout of Capital Grant Funds
- PH-2: Total Development Costs
- PH-3: Costs and Other Limitations
- 12.c: Extension of Deadline for Programmatic Obligation and Expenditure of Capital Funds
- 12.d: Section (j) 1-and 2-Year Substantial Improvement Requirements
- Flexibility in the Use of Public Housing Operating Funds and Capital Funds
- Capital Fund Administration
Uniform Financial Reporting Standards
HUD waived the requirement that PHAs submit their unaudited financial statements no later than 60 calendar days after the end of their fiscal year and their audited financial statements no later than nine months after the end of their fiscal year.
View Uniform Financial Reporting Standards Guidance hereExpand to view waivers included in this guidance below:
Specific Waivers
- 11.c: Uniform Financial Reporting Standards: Filing of Financial Reports: Reporting Compliance Dates.
Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR)
HUD waived the requirement that each non-exempt adult resident of public housing contributes eight hours per month of community service and/or participation in an economic self-sufficiency program. This section contains information applicable to the Public Housing program.
View Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR) Guidance hereExpand to view waivers included in this guidance below:
Specific Waivers
- 12.e: Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR) Suspension
Crosswalk of Waivers from Notice 2021-14 and Associated Guidance
Waiver No. |
Name |
Guidance |
Waiver Expiration Date |
PH and HCV-1 |
PHA 5-Year and Annual Plan Submission: Significant Amendment Requirements |
PH and HCV-2 |
Family Income and Composition: Delayed Annual Reexamination |
PH and HCV-3 |
Family Income and Composition: Annual Examination: Income Verification Requirements |
PH and HCV-4 |
Family Income and Composition: Interim Examinations |
PH and HCV-5 |
Enterprise Income Verification (EIV Monitoring) |
PH and HCV-6 |
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Contract of Participation: Contract Extension |
PH and HCV-7 |
Waiting List: Opening and Closing: Public Notice |
PH and HCV-8 |
Eligibility Determination: Income Verification |
PH and HCV-9 |
Eligibility Determination: Social Security Number and Citizenship Verification |
HQS-1 |
Initial Inspection Requirements |
HQS-2 |
PBV Pre-HAP Contract Inspections: PHA Acceptance of Completed Units |
HQS-3 |
Initial Inspection: Non-Life-Threatening Deficiencies (NLT) Options |
HQS-4 |
HQS Initial Inspection Requirements: Alternative Inspection Option |
HQS-5 |
HQS Inspection Requirement: Biennial Inspections |
HQS-6 |
HQS Interim Inspections |
HQS-7 |
PBV Turnover Unit Inspections |
HQS-8 |
PBV HAP Contract: HQS Inspections to Add or Substitute Units |
HQS-9 |
HQS Quality Control Inspections |
HQS-10 |
HQS: Space and Security |
HQS-11 |
Homeownership Option: Initial HQS Inspection |
HCV-1 |
Administrative Plan |
HCV-2 |
Information When Family is Selected: PHA Oral Briefing |
HCV-3 |
Term of Voucher: Extension of Term |
HCV-4 |
PHA Approval of Assisted Tenancy: When HAP Contract is Executed |
HCV-5 |
Absence from Unit |
HCV-6 |
Automatic Termination of HAP Contract |
HCV-7 |
Increase in Payment Standard During HAP Contract Term |
HCV-8 |
Utility Allowance Schedule: Required Review and Revision |
HCV-9 |
Homeownership Option: Homeownership Counseling |
HCV-10 |
Family Unification Program: FUP Youth Age Eligibility to Enter HAP Contract |
HCV-11 |
Family Unification Program: Length of Assistance for Youth |
HCV-12 |
Family Unification Program: Timeframe for Referral |
HCV-13 |
Homeownership: Maximum Term of Assistance |
HCV-14 |
Mandatory Removal of Unit from PBV HAP Contract |
HCV-15 |
PBV and Enhanced Voucher Provisions on Under-Occupied Units |
PH-1 |
Fiscal Closeout of Capital Grant Funds |
PH-2 |
Total Development Costs |
PH-3 |
Costs and Other Limitations |
12/31/21 |
PH-4 |
ACOP: Adoption of Tenant Selection Policies |
PH-5 |
Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR) |
Superseded by 12.e |
PH-6 |
Energy Audits |
PH-7 |
Over-Income Families |
PH-8 |
Resident Council Elections |
PH-9 |
Review and Revision of Utility Allowance |
PH-10 |
Tenant Notifications for Changes to Project Rules and Regulations |
PH-11 |
Designated Housing Plan Renewals |
PH-12 |
Public Housing Agency Annual Self-Inspections |
PH-13 |
Over-Income Limit: Termination Requirement |
PH-14 |
Annual Choice of Rent |
11.a. |
PHAS-Public Housing Assessment System |
Separate guidance is forthcoming |
11.b. |
SEMAP-Section 8 Management Assessment Program |
Separate guidance is forthcoming |
11.b.1 |
SEMAP Field Office Confirmatory Review |
Separate guidance is forthcoming |
11.b.2. |
SEMAP Certification Timing |
Separate guidance is forthcoming |
11.c |
Uniform Financial Reporting Standards: Filing of Financial Reports: Reporting Compliance Dates |
12.a |
PHA Reporting Requirements on HUD Form 50058 |
12.b |
Designated Housing Plans: HUD 60-Day Notification |
12.c |
Extension of Deadline for Programmatic Obligation and Expenditure of Capital Funds |
12.d |
Section (6j) 1-and 2-Year Substantial Improvement Requirements |
12.e |
Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR) Suspension |
MR-1 |
Family Income and Composition: Delayed Annual Examinations |
MR-0 |
Family Income and Composition: Annual Examination: Income Verification Requirements |
MR-3 |
Family Income and Composition: Interim Examination |
MR-4 |
Enterprise Income Verification Monitoring |
MR-5 |
PHA Inspection Requirement: Annual Inspections |
MR-6 |
Adjustment of Utility Allowance |
MS-1 |
Initial Lease Term |
MS-2 |
Criminal Background Screening |
MS-3 |
Mainstream Age Eligibility to Enter HAP Contract Statutory Authority |
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