VMS Reporting Requirements
Electronic submission of form HUD-52681-B data is a monthly requirement. This notice announces the customary dates for submitting Housing Choice Voucher Data electronically through the Voucher Management System (VMS). It also serves as a reminder of (1) the imposition of sanctions for non-compliant reporting; (2) a reporting requirement regarding leased PHA-owned units; and (3) the instruction for reporting units transferred from HANO (see numbered items, below.)
The reports should be submitted electronically via the Internet at the following site:
PHAs are advised not to wait until the final day(s) of the collection period to submit their data. Doing so may result in a delayed transmission of the data to HUD that could impact a PHA's funding. Failure to submit the data results in a PHA being identified as a non-submitter. Incomplete submissions and/or non-submissions not only could affect the PHA's funding, but in addition will result in the imposition of sanctions.
PHAs should check the "List of Submissions" web page in VMS to verify that the required data has been submitted for each submission period. If the reporting period status is "Pending Submission" or "Not Entered," the PHA should enter and/or submit the required information. When ready to submit its data to HUD, the PHA should select the "SUBMIT" link on the List of Submissions page, review the data, and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "SUBMIT" button to complete the submission.
The collection deadline for monthly submission is the 22nd of each month for submission of the prior month's data. For example, May's data is due no later than COB June 22nd. The system is open and available for submission as of the 4th day of each month.
PHAs should remember that whenever a data change has been entered that results in the need for approval of a hard edit, the PHA will receive a "Pending Hard Edit" message and will be unable to submit its data or to enter additional data or changes until that edit is approved by the FMC financial analyst.
The April VMS release includes the addition of a Hard Edit feature to the FUP field, many enhancements to the comments fields, and other changes that should streamline the submission and approval process for both the PHAs and the FMC. Take note that the Leasing and Unit Expense (LUE) report was disabled effective with the April release. The report will be available again this fall after revisions to it are completed.
An email sent to the PHAs on January 12, 2009, contained attachments describing features of the January 2009 release. These included a description of corrections made in response to error messages, data unlocking, and the addition of new fields and edits.
- PHA Briefing Notes
- New Fields (MS-Excel)
- Error Messages (MS-Excel)
This broadcast from February 5, 2009, addressed changes to the monthly VMS reporting requirements.
Note the following reporting information:
- Beginning with the April 2008 reporting period, HAs are subject to sanctions in the form of withholding 10% of a non-compliant agency's monthly administrative fees, pursuant to the provisions of Notice PIH 2008-9. It should be noted that a PHA that timely enters its reporting data but neglects to press the "Submit" button for the proper transmission of the data will be subject to the sanction.
- For CY 2008 and continuing in CY 2009, in accordance with the Appropriations Act, administrative fees will be paid on the basis of units leased as of the first day of each month. This data will be extracted from the Voucher Management System at the close of each reporting cycle. To ensure that PHAs are paid the correct monthly administrative fees, they should take note of the requirement, beginning with the April 2008 reporting period, to indicate in the Comments section of the VMS submittal the number of PHA-owned units they are leasing. These units should still be reported in the regular leasing categories as well.
- When reporting units received via a transfer from the Housing Authority of New Orleans (former DVP participants), PHAs should enter the units in the All Other Voucher field and not in the Portable Vouchers Paid field. Proper reporting is required to ensure administrative fees are calculated correctly for these units.
If there are questions, or if further information is needed, an e-mail should be directed to the following address and it will be forwarded to the VMS Systems Administrator for reply:
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