FMC Highlights

    Monthly VMS Reporting Period

    The PHAs were notified as follows:

    Dear Executive Director:

    Subject: HCV Program Monthly VMS Reporting Notification

    The Voucher Management System (VMS) will be open from the 4th day through the 22nd day for purposes of submitting your agency’s data for the previous month. To ensure that your data will be included in the Department’s calculations for various funding, monitoring, and reporting purposes, it must be submitted in the VMS no later than 5:30 P.M. (Eastern) on the 22nd day of this submission period. The monthly VMS data reporting is mandatory

    Please bear in mind that any hard edit notices will require time to be reviewed and approved or disapproved by your assigned Financial Management Center (FMC) Financial Analyst (FA), so it is advisable to begin submitting your data well in advance of the closing date. If you have any changes to historical data, those changes will need to be made in the Prior Month Corrections (PMC) module.

    As always, your cooperation with the reporting requirements of the VMS is very much appreciated. If you have any questions in connection with this notification, please contact your assigned FA at the FMC.

    [Please share the information above with your staff that are involved with compiling, entering, and/or submitting your agency's VMS data.]

    Voucher Management System - July Release

    The PHAs were notified as follows:

    Subject: Housing Choice Voucher Program
    Voucher Management System (VMS) July Release

    On July 27, 2012, a VMS release was implemented in the Voucher Management System (VMS). The release corrects the following known issues:

    • In the Prior Month Correction module, PHA’s have been unable to enter a comment for the Additional Expense/Comments Tab. This correction will allow PHA’s to enter comments on that tab by adding a “comment” field to the drop down selection. Please refer to an earlier emailed entitled “VMS PMC Module - Temporary Instructions”, dated February 6, 2012, that advised PHA’s of a temporary workaround to this issue. This workaround will no longer be needed after the July release.
    • VMS does not currently allow PHA’s to make changes in the Prior Month Correction module to Point of Contact information. This correction will allow PHA’s to make these changes in the PMC module.

    Additionally, the VMS User’s Manual was revised with the July release. Version can be found here: and contains the following revisions:

    In Section 4.1.1, Page 62, the wording was changed to read:

    For a Hard Edit Error, just as for a regular Submission, click the appropriate drop-down menu explanation. If "Other" is selected a mandatory explanation is required in the Comment box to further explain the change. For non Hard-Edit errors, such as invalid format or cross-reference errors, the field must be corrected. When corrections and explanations are complete, press the “Validate” button again.

    If there are no Validation errors, or if all Hard Edit errors have been properly explained, a “Submit” button will appear at the bottom of the page. Click this button to submit the correction.

    Section 4.1.1, Page 63, the following was added:

    Note: Most fields are fully replaced by the PMC process. One exception is the Comment field on the Additional Expense / Comments Tab. If you modify this field via PMC, previous comments will be retained, and your comment will be added below them in the (text) field, as shown below:

    Use of NRA Accounts

    The FMC forwarded a letter from the Director of Housing Voucher Programs to the PHAs. The letter serves as a reminder that funds in the PHAs' Net Restricted Asset (NRA) accounts may only be used for eligible HAP expenses, and may not be used to support units above the PHA's baseline. The letter details these and other requirements pertaining to the use of the NRA accounts. It further advises that HUD is currently reviewing acquired information to assess the PHAs' compliance with statutory and other requirements governing the use of the NRA accounts.

    Separate letters were directed to the PHAs' Executive Director and to the Chairperson of their Board of Commissioners. A link to these letters is provided below.