
    • New! PIH Notice 2021-08 (1/28/2021): This notice clarifies the financial reporting requirements including CARES Act funding and expands on the FASS-PH submission deadlines incorporating consistent administrative actions for noncompliance circumstances for those PHAs that administer the HCV and the HCV-related programs listed in Section 10 of this Notice.
    1. New! CARES Act Reporting FAQs (v01/19/2021): Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on how to report the CARES Act subsidies quarterly and annually to HUD
    2. CARES Act Financial Reporting Training Material (12/10/20): Guidance on reporting CARES Act quarterly and annually to HUD with answers to common PHA questions
    3. CARES Act Reporting FAQs (v10/23/20): Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on how to report the CARES Act subsidies quarterly and annually to HUD
    4. CARES Act Financial Reporting Training Material(9/15/20): Provides guidance on reporting CARES Act funding quarterly and annually to HUD
    • PIH Notice 2020-22: Mainstream Vouchers (9/08/20): Non-Competitive Opportunity for Additional Vouchers Authorized by the CARES Act, Temporary Waivers and Alternative Requirements, and Modified 2020 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Renewal Calculation. This notices provides information on several policies impacting Mainstream vouchers to help public housing agencies (PHAs) prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (Public Law 116-136)
    • PIH Notice 2020-20: Section 8 Mod Rehab CARES Act Supplemental HAP Funding & Waiver (8/29/20): Additional project-based assistance to owners or sponsors of Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) properties to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. This notice describes HUD’s allocation methodology to public housing agencies (PHAs) for the supplemental Mod Rehab housing assistance payments (HAP) funds provided from these PBRA funds. This notice also waives and establishes alternative requirements for numerous statutory and regulatory requirements for the Section 8 Mod Rehab program to expedite or facilitate the use of these amounts to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus
    • PIH Notice 2020-18: HCV Program Admin Fee - 2nd Award (7/31/20): This notice addresses HUD’s second award allocation methodology for the administrative fees portion of the CARES Act supplemental funding, and establishes additional new eligible activities to prevent, prepare for, or respond to COVID-19 that may be funded with these supplemental administrative fee amounts. The first award allocation of administrative funding and the original list of eligible activities were established in PIH Notice 2020-08. This notice supersedes PIH Notice 2020-08.
    • PIH Notice 2020-16: Public Housing Shortfall Funding From FFY 2020 Appropriations (7/28/20): This notice implements a provision in the FFY 2020 Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 116-94), referred to hereafter as “the Act,” which provides for a $25 million set aside of Public Housing Operating Funds to assist Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) experiencing financial insolvency. Specifically, this notice provides guidance regarding eligibility, the process for applying, and other requirements for the set-aside
    • PIH Notice 2020-07: CARES Act FY 2020 Operating Fund (4/28/20): The CARES Act provided an additional $685,000,000 for the Public Housing Operating Fund to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including to provide additional funds for public housing agencies to maintain normal operations and take other necessary actions during the period that the program is impacted by coronavirus.”
    • Substantial Amendment for CARES Act: Incorporates CDBG-CV, ESG-CV, and HOPWA-CV into a grantee’s most recent approved Annual Action Plan (AAP). Grantees adding CARES Act funds to a new 2020 Consolidated Plan/Annual Action Plan
    • Tenant Eviction Moratorium: Addresses tenant's concerns regarding rent and the temporary suspension of evictions for nonpayment of rent