Snapshot of Program

    The Service Coordinator Program – whether funded through grant or budget – must be managed uniformly. The requirements are consistent despite the source of funds.

    Service Coordinators are primarily involved with the following types of activities:

     -   Provide case management and information and referral services
     -   Educate residents on available services and benefits and on tenancy issues
     -   Establish linkages with community agencies
     -   Monitor provision of service
     -   Advocate for residents
     -   Educate housing management staff
     -   Work with resident organizations
     -   Help residents set up informal support networks
     -   Educate housing management staff
     -   Set up volunteer programs

    Service Coordinators must not act as recreational or activities directors, provide supportive services directly, or assist with other administrative work that is normally associated with housing operations.

    Service Coordinator funds can be used for the following types of expenses:

     -   Salary
     -   Fringe benefits
     -   Quality Assurance
     -   Training
     -   Travel
     -   Creation of private office space
     -   Computer hardware, software, and Internet service
     -   Office furniture and supplies

    Service Coordinator funds may not be used for the following types of expenses:
    NOTE: Service coordinator funds must not be used to organize activities that are unrelated to supportive services or be used to provide supportive services directly..

     -   Supervision performed by property management staff (Management fees already pay for such supervision)
     -   Usual audit and legal fees
     -   Application preparation and submission
     -   Increasing management fees
     -   Service Coordinator-related training courses for property management staff who do not directly provide Service Coordination. Owners must use their management fees to pay this expense
     -   Food and beverage
     -   Gifts to residents/or staff
     -   Any costs associated with parties or meals (even for residents)
     -   Restaurant meals/travel not associated with approved training and/or not included in the approved budget
     -   Computer hardware/software or other equipment not used/required by the Service Coordinator
     -   Or any other cost as defined by 2 CFR Part 200


    Service coordinators must store, in a secure manner, all files containing information related to the provision of supportive services for residents. Files must be accessible only to the service coordinator. A service coordinator may not disclose to any person any individually identifiable information that relates to the provision of supportive services to a resident, unless the resident has knowingly consented. Any such consent must be in writing and be signed by the resident, and must clearly identify the parties to whom the information may be disclosed, as well as the scope and purpose of the disclosure. If there is no applicable consent to disclosure, service coordinators may disclose individually identifiable information that relates to the provision of supportive services to a resident, to the extent necessary to protect the safety or security of a resident, housing project staff, or the housing project. However, confidentiality policies must be consistent with maintaining confidentiality of information related to any individual as required by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a).