This is a resource that is designed to help you to better manage your grant funds and to determine available dollars that will be used to offset your next renewals. Grants that are projected to have an unexpended balance as of the grant's annual expiration date must use those funds to offset the next 12-month grant renewal. This tool may be used to estimate the amount of unexpended funds at grant expiration. The use of this tool is highly encouraged but not required. NOTE: The use of this tool not a requirement. This tool is to serve as a resource. Grantees may choose to not use this tool.
Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS)
To sustain disciplined accounting practices, a grantee mustbe able to voucher down consistently. This requires access to Secure Systems and eLOCCS. To ensure uninterrupted access:
- Make yourself familiar with or reference the eLOCCS Registration Guide. This will provide guidance on how to gain access to Secure Systems and eLOCCS, as well as provide answers to frequently asked questions.
- If any changes - such as: New User, Reinstate User, Terminate User, Reset Password for Active Users, Add New Program Area or Tax ID, Change Tax ID, Change Address, Resend User ID and Name Change - submit an original HUD - 27054 to your HUD Office Point of Contact via U.S. Mail
- Submit a Changing Approval Official Letter if your Approving Official changes.
Visit the eLOCC page for critical information and all forms or guides.
Please contact your HUD Field Office Point of Contact- Not the eLOCCS helpdesk - to assist you with any questions or concerns about eLOCCS access or changes.
Transfer of Physical Assets (TPA)
If you experience a TPA, submit the following to your HUD Field Office Point of Contact
1. On Agency letterhead:
- The reason for TPA,
- New ownership entities name, address, telephone, fax and email address, and
- the same information for a contact person with the organization that will be administering the SC program
2. A legal document from the IRS or Department of Treasury verifying the new Tax ID number
3. Copy of the deed showing the transfer of the property
4. Document verifying DUNS number
5. Direct Deposit HUD 1199-A, including voided check or deposit slip (if applicable)
6. HUD 27054 eLOCCS Access form for new users
Change in Ownership
- New owner must be eligible for grant based on previous criteria
Before new owner can directly receive grant funds, HUD must approve owner change, and then owner must provide completed form HUD-1044-C
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