Mark-to-Market (M2M)

    Have you received the benefits of a M2M debt restructuring  and want to refinance or sell?

    Visit the Post Mark-to-Market web page for more information.

    The Mark-to-Market (M2M) program preserves affordability and availability of low income rental multifamily properties with federally insured program. The purpose of M2M is to reduce rents to market levels by restructuring existing debt to levels supportable by these rents. The Green Initiative is also available through this program to assist owners in rehabilitating their properties in the most sustainable way feasible. 

    This web page is intended to provide resources and tools on M2M and the status of projects in the program.  All inquiries and requests related to Mark-to-Market  transactions, should be submitted electronically to


    Owner/Project Eligibility

    In order to participate in the M2M program, owners/projects are required to meet the eligibility criteria in the diagram below. 

    Mark-to-Market Eligibility Requirements


    Multifamily Housing with more than four dwelling units. Covered in whole or in part by a project-based Section 8 rental housing assistance contract.



    Financed by a mortgage insured by FHA or held by the Secretaary under the National Housing Act, excluding Section 202 and Section 515.



    Determined to have current contract rents for all project based Section 8 assisted units that, in the aggregate, exceed the comparable unsubsidized market rents.



    Determined to be in good standing.


    Regulation, Legislation and Notices