Mark-to-Market (M2M for Owners)

    Owners of properties with expiring Section 8 contracts initiate the Mark to Market (M2M) process when they request a Section 8 contract renewal and select options in accordance with the Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide Book, last published in March 2023, 120 days before Section 8 contract expires. The owner notifies the HUD Multifamily Program Center or Hub of their renewal selection.

    Owners with questions about the status of their M2M properties may e-mail us at or refer to the status report: the M2M Transactions Report. This quarterly report provides a list of all the properties in the Mark-to-Market portfolio, it's ownership information and the last milestone of the property's program in the program. (Latest Update December 22, 2023PDF | Excel). For additional questions contact us at | Note: Use Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer to View/Open the Excel File

    Mark-to-Market Process

    1. Recap assigns property to PAE for debt restructuring or rent reduction only ("Lite")

    2. Recap notifies owner of PAE assigned to property

    3. Kick off meeting held with owner and PAE

    4. Owner performs data collection PAE performs due diligence

    5. Tenant meeting held PAE performs underwriting

    6. Tenant meeting held PAE submits restructuring plan to Recap

    7. Recap reviews and approves plan

    8. Owner executes restructuring commitment

    9. Closing


    Post M2M and DEMO Accounting and Audit Questions

    M2M Resources