Multifamily Rental Project Closing Documents:

    HUD has issued a 30-day Federal Register Notice for the Paperwork Reduction Act (“PRA”) notice and comment renewal process for the Multifamily Rental Closing Documents set to expire this year, which fall under OMB approval no. 2502-0598.  The Notice can be accessed from the following link:  The previously published 60-day Notice from September 5, 2017 can be found here:

    Closing Documents that have undergone further revisions from the 60-day Notice are shown below in redline/strikeout format against the documents published in connection with the 60-Day Notice so that industry participants and interested members of the public can identify changes to the documents. The remaining documents are indicated below as having "No changes" from the versions published with the 60-day Notice.

    Please follow the procedures described in the Federal Register notice to submit comments on any of the Closing Documents to HUD.

    NOTE:  The documents published below are not to be used for any closings—this posting is for informational purposes only in accordance with the PRA.

      Documents included in the PRA for 2502-0598
    1.  91070M - Consolidated Certification - Borrower -Redline
    2.  91071M - Escrow Agreement Off-site Facilities - No changes
    3.  91073M - Survey Instructions and Report - No changes
    4.  91710M - Residual Receipts Note (Nonprofit Borrowers) - No changes
    5.  91712M - Residual Receipts Note (Limited Dividend Borrowers) - No changes
    6.  91725M - Opinion of Borrower's Counsel - Redline
    7.  91725M-CERT - Exhibit A to Opinion of Borrower's Counsel - Redline
    8.  91725M-INST - Instructions To Opinion of Borrower's Counsel - Redline
    9.  92023M - Request for Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument - No changes
    10.  92070M - Lease Addendum - Redline
    11.  92223M - Surplus Cash Note - Redline
    12.  92408M - HUD Amendment to AIA B108 - No changes
    13.  92412M - Escrow Agreement Working Capital - No changes
    14.  92414M - Escrow Agreement Latent Defects - No changes
    15.  92420M - Subordination Agreement - Public - Redline
    16.  92434M - Lender's Certificate - Redline
    17.  92441M - Building Loan Agreement - Redline
    18.  92442M - Construction Contract - Redline
    19.  92450M - Completion Assurance Agreement - No changes
    20.  92452A-M - Payment Bond - No changes
    21.  92452M - Performance Bond - Redline
    22.  92455M - Request for Endorsement of Credit Instrument - Redline
    23.  92456M - Escrow Agreement Incomplete Construction - No changes
    24.  92464M - Request for Approval of Advance of Escrow Funds - No changes
    25.  92466M - Regulatory Agreement - Redline
    26.  92476.1M - Escrow Agreement Deferred Repairs - Redline
    27.  92476aM - Escrow Agreement Operating Deficits - No changes
    28.  92476M - Agreement to Sponsor Additional Funds - No changes
    29.  92477M - Bond Guaranteeing Sponsors' Performance - No changes
    30.  92478M - Borrower's Oath - No changes
    31.  92479M - Off-site Bond - No changes
    32.  92554M - Supplement to Construction Contract - No changes
    33.  92907M - Subordination Agreement - Private - Readline
    34.  92908M - Residual Receipts Note - No changes
    35.  93305M - Agreement and Cert - Redline
    36.  94000M - Security Instrument - Redline
    37.  94001M - Note - No changes