    HUD Translated Materials

    This page provides documents created by HUD program offices printed in English and other languages. If your organization is interested in using these translated materials and if permission to use the items is not indicated on the website, contact LEP team via email.

    Multifamily COVID 19 Tenant Brochure Materials

    Office Type Title Translations
    Multifamily brochure COVID 19 Tenant Brochure  Arabic | Chinese | Farsi | Portuguese | Puerto Rican Spanish | Spanish | Russian | Somali | Tagalog | Thai |

    Disaster Materials

    Office Type Title Translations
    Single Family materials Disaster Relief Cards Oct 2016
    English | Arabic | Chinese | French | German | Haitian Creole | Korean | Laotian | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Housing materials Natural Disaster Flyer English | Arabic | French | German | Haitian Creole | Korean | Lao | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog |
    Housing materials Tornado Disaster Flyer English | Arabic | Chinese | French | German | Haitian Creole | Korean | Lao | Spanish | Russian | Portuguese | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Housing materials Disaster Brochure English | Arabic | Chinese | Creole | French | German | Korean | Lao | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Housing materials Don't Be a Victim of Cons and Scams English | Arabic | Chinese | French | German | Haitian Creole | Korean | Lao | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Housing materials Turn to a HUD Housing Counselor for Help English | Arabic | Chinese | French | German | Haitian Creole | Korean | Lao | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials

    Office Type Title Translations
    FHEO brochure Fair Housing for All Amharic | Armenian | Bengali | Cambodian | Greek | Haitian Creole | Indonesian | Italian | Persian | Portuguese | Somali | Thai | Urdu |
    FHEO brochure Are You A Victim of Housing Discrimination English | Amharic | Arabic | Armenian | Burmese | Cambodian | Chinese | Greek | Haitian Creole | Indonesian | Italian | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Thai | Urdu | Vietnamese |
    FHEO brochure Equal Opportunity for All English | Bengali | Creole | Chinese | Farsi | French | Haitian Creole | Hindi | Khmer | Korean | Lao | Polish | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    FHEO brochure Domestic Violence Guide English | Armenian | Burmese | Creole | Chinese | Hatian | Indonesian | Korean | Persian | Spanish | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    Multifamily brochure Annual Recertification Second Reminder Notice (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-3) English | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily brochure Annual Recertification Third Reminder Notice/Notice Of Termination (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-4) Handbook English | Arabic | Amharic | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily brochure EIV You brochures English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily brochure Model Form of Notification of Rent Increase Resulting From Recertification Processing English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Tagalog |
    Multifamily brochure Interim Adjustment Initial Notice (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-7) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily brochure Interim Adjustment Termination of Assistance (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-8) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily brochure Resident Rights Responsibilities Brochure English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily brochure Section 236 English | Farsi | French | Khmer | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    PIH brochure A Good Place to Live English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | Hmong | Spanish | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    Singlefamily brochure 100 Q&A About Buying a New Home English | Spanish |
    Singlefamily brochure Buying Your Home: Settlement Costs and Helpful Information English | Spanish |
    Singlefamily brochure Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure English | Spanish |
    Singlefamily brochure Don't Be a Victim of Loan Fraud English | Spanish |
    Singlefamily brochure SaveYourHome English | Spanish |

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    HUD Translated Materials
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    HUD Translated Materials

    Office Type Title Translations
    CPD factsheet Factsheet 2010 July Spanish |

    Healthy Homes - Fact Sheets

    Office Type Title Translations
    Healthy Homes factsheet Allergy Spanish
    Healthy Homes factsheet Asthma Spanish
    Healthy Homes factsheet Carbon Monoxide Spanish
    Healthy Homes factsheet Home Safety Spanish
    Healthy Homes factsheet Lead Spanish
    Healthy Homes factsheet Mold Spanish
    Healthy Homes factsheet Radon Spanish
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    HUD Translated Materials


    Office Type Title Translations
    Multifamily factsheet How Your Rent is Determined (Project-Based Section 8) Fact Sheet English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily factsheet How Your Rent is Determined (BMIR) Fact Sheet English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog |
    Multifamily factsheet How Your Rent is Determined (PAC/PRAC) Fact Sheet English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily factsheet How Your Rent is Determined (Section 236) Fact Sheet English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese |
    Multifamily factsheet Factsheet for HUD-Assisted Residents Rental Assistance Payments (RAP) "How Your Rent Is Determined" English | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily factsheet Factsheet for HUD-Assisted Residents Rent Supplement "How Your Rent is Determined" English | Amharic | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily factsheet Factsheet for HUD-Assisted Residents Section 236 "How Your Rent is Determined" English | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily factsheet RAPFSA Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Farsi | French | Khmer | Korean | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    Multifamily factsheet Rent SuppFS English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Khmer | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    PIH factsheet How Your Rent is Determined for Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Programs English | Chinese | Korean | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    PIH factsheet Housing Choice Vouchers Fact Sheet English |
    PIH factsheet Section 8 Enhanced Vouchers Fact Sheet English | Cambodian | Chinese | French | Hmong | Japanese | Korean | Lao | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Thai | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    CPD form Request for Tenancy Approval - Housing Choice Voucher Program English | Tagalog |
    CPD form 953911-2-10 Spanish |
    CPD form EZRC legislation 100610 Spanish |
    CPD form 52646 English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | French | Hatian | Hmong | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    CPD form 52517 English | Tagalog |
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    PIH form Authorization for the Release of Information/Privacy Act Notice English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | Hmong | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    PIH form Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | French | Hmong | Korean | Lao | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    PIH form Request for Tenancy Approval English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | French | Hmong | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    PIH form Tenancy Addendum English | Arabic | Cambodian | Chinese | French | Korean |
    PIH form Housing Assistance Payments Contract (HAP Contract) English | Arabic | Cambodian | Chinese | French | Korean |
    PIH form Voucher Housing Choice Voucher Program English | Arabic | Cambodian | Chinese | French | Korean |
    PIH form Statement of Homeowner Obligation English | Arabic | Cambodian | Chinese | French | Korean |
    PIH form Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program Contract of Participation English | Arabic | Cambodian | Chinese | French | Korean |
    PIH form Family Self-Sufficiency Program FSS Escrow Account Credit Worksheet English | Arabic | Cambodian | Chinese | French | Korean |
    PIH form 52641 English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | French | Hmong | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    PIH form 52641 a English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | French | Hmong | Korean | Lao | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    PIH form 52649 English | Tagalog |
    PIH form 52650 English | Tagalog |
    PIH form 52652 English | Tagalog |
    PIH form 52675 - Debts Owed to Public Housing Agencies English | Armenian | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Lao | Russian | Spanish | Thai | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials

    Office Type Title Translations
    Multifamily form Model Lease for Subsidized Programs (Form HUD 90105-a) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese |
    Multifamily form Model Lease for Section 202/8 or Section 202 PACs (Form HUD 90105-b) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese |
    Multifamily form Model Lease for Section 202 PRACs (Form HUD 90105-c) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese |
    Multifamily form Model Lease for Section 811 PRACs (Form HUD 90105-d) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Cambodian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese | Spanish |
    Multifamily form Lease Addendum - Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 (HUD 91067) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese |
    Multifamily form Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing (HUD 92006) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese |
    Multifamily form Document Package for Applicants/Tenants Consent to the Release of Information (HUD 9887/A, Form HUD-9887, Form HUD-9887-A,and Relevant Verifications) English | Arabic | Amharic | Armenian | Chinese | Farsi | French | Korean | Portuguese |
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    FHEO posters We Do Business in Accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law English | Arabic | Cambodian | Creole | Chinese | Hmong | Khmer | Korean | Polish | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    FHEO posters We Do Business in Accordance With the Federal Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988) English | Bengali | Creole | Chinese | Farsi | French | Hindi | Hmong | Lao | Polish | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog |
    FHEO posters Live Free Poster English | Arabic | Bengali | Creole | Chinese | Farsi | French | Hatian | Hindi | Khmer | Korean | Lao | Polish | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    FHEO posters Live Free Race Posters English | Bengali | Chinese | Hindi | Khmer | Korean | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    FHEO posters Live Free Disability Ad English | Bengali | Chinese | Hindi | Khmer | Korean | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    FHEO posters Tornado Disaster Poster English | Spanish |
    FHEO posters Disaster Survivors English | Creole | French | Hatian | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese |
    FHEO posters LGBT Bengali | Korean | Tagalog | Vietnamese |
    FHEO posters Natural Disaster Flyer English | Creole | Chinese | French | Vietnamese |
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    HUD Translated Materials

    FHEO PSA's
    Office Type Title Translations
    FHEO psa Fair Housing Ad Campaign English | Spanish |
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    HUD Translated Materials
    Office Type Title Translations
    FHEO trainingmaterials LEP Training Materials - Session One English |
    FHEO trainingmaterials LEP Training Webcast - Session Two English |
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    HUD Translated Materials

    Office Type Title Translations
    FHEO webcast Watch the Public Meeting with captions  
    FHEO webcast LEP Webcast: "Breaking Down the Language Barrier: Translating LEP Policy into Practice."  
    FHEO webcast Watch the Public Meeting on the Final LEP Guidance  
    FHEO webcast Breaking Down the Language Barriers with captions English |