[Multifamily Southwest Region - Serving Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas]

    [Multifamily Southwest Region Map]


    HUD Multifamily Housing supports the development, rehabilitation, and management of multiple-unit housing through FHA mortgage insurance programs, and the preservation of affordable housing through Project-Based Rental Assistance and other programs. We also provide capital grants to nonprofits for the construction and support of affordable housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities. The Southwest Region serves a 9-state area and maintains central offices in Fort Worth (Regional Center) and Kansas City (Satellite Office).



    Fort Worth Regional Center
    307 West 7th Street
    Suite 1000
    Fort Worth, TX 76102
    Email: MFSouthwest@hud.gov
    Phone: (817) 978-5600
    Fax: (817) 978-5596

    Kansas City Satellite Office
    400 State Avenue
    Room 300
    Kansas City, KS 66101
    Email: MFSouthwest@hud.gov
    Phone: (913) 551-5462
    Fax: (913) 551-6818

    National Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse
    Place resident complaints and obtain information on initiatives, programs, and policies of HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs