Contact HUD: Illinois
    Homeownership          Rental Help          Homelessness          Library

    Housing instability can be profoundly distressing. If you are struggling, in crisis, or need help for yourself or someone else, please call or text 988 or visit to connected with a trained listener.

    Before you consider contacting HUD
    You can find the best resources and contacts for what you need in the table below.

    We’ve also answered many of your most frequently asked questions (FAQs) on HUD’s FAQs.

    What issue are your facing? Where to get help
    At risk of or experiencing homelessness
    Help with paying rent
    Need affordable rental housing
    Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) or Public Housing
    Report an issue or concern (HUD-assisted residents)
    Housing discrimination
    Based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex
    (including gender identity and sexual orientation), familial status, and disability
    Source of income discrimination (Illinois)
    • It is against the law in Illinois to discriminate in all aspects of real estate transactions, including renting or leasing, based on your source of income.
    • This includes non-employment income, such Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) or disability payments.
    • File a charge with the Illinois Department of Human Rights


    Housing protections for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking
    1. Go to Rental Help: Illinois to find emergency rental assistance programs
    2. Contact Eviction Help Illinois or a local legal assistance organization, and review local tenant rights.
    3. Contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency or call (800) 569-4287.
    Issues with landlord or tenant
    FHA-insured mortgages, HUD homes, refinancing, liens, HUD-1 settlement statements, etc.
    Payoff requests
    FHA Single Family Secretary-held Portfolio Subordinate Mortgages and Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
    1. Contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency or call (800) 569-4287
    2. Explore Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) help and other foreclosure resources
    3. Contact a local legal assistance organization
    Home repairs
    Need help with utility bills

    Illinois Field Office

    Phone: (312) 353-6236
    If leaving a voicemail, please include your name, address, contact number, and a detailed description of your needs.
    TTY: (312) 353-7143
    Fax: (312) 913-8293


    Name Title Phone Number
    Kimberly Danna Field Office Director (312) 913-8662
    Rodney Flippen Management Analyst Trainee (312) 913-8374
    Nicole Winston Program Analyst (312) 913-8603

    Address (Get Directions):
    Ralph Metcalfe Federal Building
    77 West Jackson Boulevard
    Chicago, Illinois 60604
    Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday

    Great Lakes Regional Office

    Contact: Office of the Regional Administrator
    Jurisdiction: Region 5 – Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin



    Information for HUD Partners
    Regional Administrator

    Across the country, HUD is organized into ten regions, each with an administrator. Region 5 is under the leadership of Diane Shelley, Regional Administrator.

    Region 5 jurisdiction: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin

    Contact the Regional Administrator's Office

    HUD's Phone Book