Legal Assistance: Illinois
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    General Information


    Statewide Legal Assistance and Resources

    • Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) - IDHR administers the Illinois Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination in Illinois with respect to employment, financial credit, public accommodations, housing and sexual harassment, as well as sexual harassment in education.
    • Eviction Help Illinois or (855) 621-0811: Free legal aid, mediation services, and connections to other resources including rental assistance to increase housing stability. Mediation is an opportunity for landlords and tenants to resolve issues the help of a knowledgeable and neutral person.
    • Prairie State Legal Services (Central and Northern Illinois) or (815) 965-2134
    • Land of Lincoln Legal Aid (Central and Southern Illinois) or (877) 342-7891
    • HOPE Fair Housing Center (Northern Illinois) or (630) 690-6500


    Chicago Area Legal Assistance and Resources


    Fair Housing Rights

    It is illegal to discriminate in the sale or rental of housing, including against individuals seeking a mortgage or housing assistance, or in other housing-related activities. Learn more.

    • Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) organizations may be able to speak to a housing provider on your behalf; conduct an investigation, including testing, to help determine if you experienced discrimination; and provide you with assistance.
    • If you believe your rights may have been violated or are a victim of housing discrimination, we encourage you to submit a complaint.
    • Because there are time limits on when a complaint can be filed with HUD after an alleged violation, you should submit a complaint as soon as possible.
    • You may file a complaint online, call us toll-free at (800) 669-9777 or (800) 877-8339 (TTY), or email


    Contact a Housing Counseling Agency

    • HUD sponsors housing counselors that can provide free or low-cost advice for wherever you are in the housing process.
    • They can offer independent advice on buying a home, renting, defaults, forbearances, foreclosures, credit issues, reverse mortgages, and other issues.
    • Search online for a HUD-approved housing counseling agency by zip code here or call HUD's interactive voice system at (800) 569-4287.