Davis Bacon and Labor Standards
Serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin
Serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin
Our local Office of Davis Bacon and Labor Standards (DBLS) is responsible for HUD's overall compliance with the Federal prevailing wage requirements applicable to HUD-assisted and insured housing and community development programs covered under the Davis-Bacon and related Acts. The Office also administers Federal prevailing wage requirements applicable to maintenance employees of public housing agencies and Tribally Designated Housing Entities. Our local Labor Standards and Enforcement staff can provide guidance as to how this can be carried out in the region.
- Regional office contacts
- Training - find local training opportunities
- State Labor Departments
What you need
- Wage determinations on-line
- Debarred list
- Forms - from HUD and the Department of Labor
Links from the U. S. Department of Labor
More From HUD
- Office of Davis Bacon and Labor Standards
- Labor Standards and Enforcement library - guides, forms and policy letters
The Basics
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