RAD in the News
RAD is a central part of the Department's rental housing preservation strategy, which works to preserve the nation's stock of deeply affordable rental housing, promote efficiency within and among HUD programs, and build strong, stable communities. This web page highlights RAD program news featured in publications produced by HUD and other external organizations.
More RAD News
- Novogradac published, "Faircloth-to-RAD Conversions Pose Possibilities for PHAs, Developers," a story of the collaboration between the District of Columbia Housing Authority and other developers to build Kenilworth 166, a new development in Ward 7 in northeast Washington, D.C. (6/7/2022)
- The New York Times published, "A Rebirth in the Bronx: Is This How to Save Public Housing." This story focuses on how the Baychester Houses were brightly refurbished using a federal program (RAD) that could help fix America's ailing subsidized housing situation. (8/15/2021)
- In a new case study from HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research, we explore how the housing authority of Westbrook, Maine was able to utilize RAD to perform a $7M renovation to the Riverview Terrace and Larrabee Woods properties in order to continue providing affordable housing to low-income seniors. (9/29/2020)
- The Poverty & Race Research Action Council has published a Guide for Successful Implementation of Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Choice-Mobility. This new publication highlights recommended practices for public housing agencies (PHAs) and project owners of converted public housing properties on the effective implementation of the “Choice-Mobility” option. (9/1/2020)
- "Renovations give Tenderloin Public Housing Tenants a 'Beautiful' New Home," published by the San Francisco Examiners, shares how the RAD program was used in the $67 million rehabilitation project to make 96 units safe, beautiful and permanently affordable housing. This article and others are published on our Events web page. (Published 10/30/2019)
- "Facing Massive Repair Needs, Public Housing in Bushwick is Undergoing a Huge Shift," published by CityLimits.org, shares how elements of the RAD program will be used in this $391 million renovation project, slated to repair over 1,315 housing units across 61 buildings. (Published 7/24/2019)
- "RAD Preserves Affordable Housing in Neptune, New Jersey," published by the PD&R Edge Online Magazine, tells the story on how Silver Vistas added 84 subsidized units, preserving the long-term affordability under the RAD Program. Read more about it here. (Published 2/5/2019)
- Coming Home: The 990 Pacific Relocation Story" shares how one nonprofit, Chinatown Community Development Center, transitioned a building from government to community control, saving the homes of 100 seniors and adults with disabilities in San Francisco Chinatown. These are their stories.
- As NYC Public Housing Tenants Suffer, a Glimmer of Hope Emerges. The Bloomberg captures the story of how Bayside Homes, the first development from NYCPHA to receive RAD funding, turned the project into "a paradise" according to one tenant. (Published August 2, 2018)
- Tenants Will Stay at Home as NYCHA's RAD Conversion Continues. Read more about the "tenant-in-place" approach to renovate 343 scattered-site apartments in the Bronx, NY (a number that may grow to more than 1000 apartments in the coming months). (Published April 6, 2018)
- Dekalb County, Georgia uses RAD Program to Expand Housing Options. Read about it in PD&R's Edge magazine. (Published November 7, 2017).
- New York magazine documented New York City Housing Authority's first RAD transaction in the Rockaways. Learn here about how NYCHA was able to transform life for the residents of the Ocean Bay property. (Published August 3, 2017)
- In the most recent edition of Politico's What Works series, read about how San Francisco utilized RAD to great success in order to preserve affordable housing in the city.(Published July 20, 2017)
- C’est Si Bohn for Renovated Affordable Housing High Rise: Read about how the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority was able to leverage millions of dollars in capital improvements for Bohn Tower, a 22-story senior affordable housing dwelling in Ohio.(Published March 7, 2017)
- Affordable Housing Finance (AHF) published, "Rundown Arizona Public Housing Site Redeveloped with Help from RAD." The article focuses on a public housing site in Maricopa County replaced with 143 newly constructed units of affordable housing and a host of amenities and services that previously were not available. The article can be viewed on AHF's website. (Published Feb. 7, 2017)
- The Hampton Roads' Daily Press published a great article on how the Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority was able to utilize RAD to transform and revitalize several properties in the Tidewater region of Virginia, helping to preserve critical affordable housing units in their community. The article can viewed on the Daily Press website. (Published Feb. 5, 2017)
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