RAD Statute, Notices and Tools

    RAD Statute, Notices and Tools provides legislation, guidance, policy information and other tools for participants of RAD's Public Housing Program. 

    The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) allows public housing authorities to test a new way of meeting capital improvement needs. For more information visit RAD for Public Housing.  

    RAD Statute

    Rental Assistance Demonstration Statutory Language 


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    RAD Notice


    Current and Supplemental 



    Fair Housing and Relocation 





    RAD Tools

    The guides and resources below may be useful for PHAs that may be considering applying or are planning for a RAD public housing conversion.


    RAD Rents for Public Housing Conversions


    • 2024 RAD Rents. The table includes HUD's calculations of RAD Contract Rents for each public housing property based on 2024 Operating Fund, Tenant Rent, and Capital Fund levels. The contract rents have been adjusted by the 2025 OCAF. These rents will form the basis of the conversion rents for properties awarded CHAPs or with amended CHAPs starting on January 1, 2025. Any comparisons to area Fair Market Rents (FMR) are based on FY25 FMR levels. Note: Use Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer to View/Open the Excel File).


    RAD Guides and References