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Refund Transactions Layout

The Refund Transactions report file provides information about refunds for your FHA cases that were created or had a change in status during the current month. The file is updated weekly (available each Monday) with new statuses and newly initiated refunds. The complete Refund Transactions report file for the month is available on the 2nd day of the following month. Refunds with no change in status during the month are not included in the file. Any refund that goes to a returned or canceled status will be added to a later report when the status change occurs.

Field Name Length Type Start Position Picture Description
Mortgagee ID Alphanumeric  X(5)  First five digits of the FHA's unique 10-digit identifier assigned to the servicing lender that requested the refund.
Refund Request Number  10  Alphanumeric  X(10)  Ten-digit identifier assigned to the group of case numbers included in this refund request (mortgagee requested refunds can have 10 cases maximum; system-generated refunds for invalid cases can have 500 cases maximum). 
Period  Alphanumeric  16  YYYYMM  The month/year of the refund transaction file. 
Mortgagee Name  40  Alphanumeric  22  X(40) Name of the lender that requested the refund. 
Status Date  Alphanumeric  62  YYYYMMDD  Date of the last action taken for the refund request (e.g., created, authorized, etc.); relates to the refund Status
Request Status Code  Alphanumeric  70  X(4)  Status code of the request. 
CRTE Created by online process
AUTH Authorized by online process
DISB Disbursed
CONF Confirming issuance by Treasury
RETN Returned/Canceled check to HUD
REJP Rejected, did not pass edits
REJT Rejected, did not pass edits after overnight processing
Reason Code  Alphanumeric  74  X(4)  Code representing the reason the refund request was created.
R001 Overpayment
R002 Late/Interest Adjustment
R003 Payment remitted for wrong case
R004 Case canceled (not endorsed)
R005 Payment made on sold case
R006 Payment made on non Periodic or invalid case
R007 Other
FHA Case Number  10  Alphanumeric  78  X(10)  Unique 10-digit identifier assigned to the FHA loan by HUD. The first two positions identify the state where the property is located, the third position identifies the HUD Field Office territory in which the property is located, the next six positions identify the serial number, and the final position is the check digit.
Loan Number  25  Alphanumeric  88  X(25)  Number assigned to the mortgage loan by the lender. Note: This number must be sent monthly with the monthly premium payment for the case in order for it to be displayed here.
Case Refund Amount Sign  Alphanumeric  113 X(1)  Positive or Negative indicator ("+" or "-") for refund amount. 
Note: A negative amount may indicate a returned or canceled refund check.
Case Refund Amount  11  Numeric  114  9(9)V99  Requested refund amount for specified case.
Case Reject Amount Sign  Alphanumeric  125  X(1)  Positive or Negative indicator ("+" or "-") for reject amount.
Case Reject Amount  11  Numeric  126  9(9)V99  Rejected refund amount for specified case.

Total Record Length: 136

For the Alternate Report Retrieval process (secure file transfer process), see also Header and Trailer Records.