Fair Housing Design Manual
First published in 1996, the Fair Housing Act Design Manual: A Manual to Assist Designers and Builders in Meeting the Accessibility Requirements of the Fair Housing Act, provides clear and helpful guidance about ways to design and construct housing which complies with the Fair Housing Act. The Design Manual is also one of the seven HUD-recognized safe harbors for compliance with the Fair Housing Act's design and construction requirements.
Joint Statement of HUD & DOJ of 4/30/2013
Accessibility (Design & Construction) Requirements for Covered Multifamily Dwellings under the Fair Housing Act
Residential Remodeling and Universal Design: Making Homes More Comfortable and Accessible
Residential Remodeling and Universal Design describes potential benefits of design features, suggests alternative solutions, and provides installation suggestions. It is a handy resource for the housing professional and the do-it-yourselfer alike. Its clear descriptions and abundant graphics can help homeowners plan remodeling or rehabilitation projects.
Homes for Everyone: Universal Design Principles in Practice
The projects highlighted in this well-illustrated book were selected to show how the universal design approach accommodates a wide variety of design and user requirements. Some projects pictured are built into new housing, while others integrated universal design features through remodeling. Most of the universal design elements were implemented at little or no more expense than conventional design features.
Strategies for Providing Accessibility and Visibility for HOPE VI and Mixed Finance Homeownership
HUD has worked with architects and advocates to develop design strategies that are both attractive and functional for families at any stage or condition of life. In this publication, you will see design features that are inexpensive and unobtrusive--in fact, many exist unnoticed inside a wall or in the design of a closet until the day when the reinforcement for a grab bar or the space for an elevator is needed.
A Consumer's Guide to Home Adaptations
Includes worksheets for evaluating needs in the home, illustrated construction plans for grab bars, ramps, and other accessible elements, and resource listings for products.
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New Mobility Magazine
Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST has been contracted by HUD to provide information, materials, and technical assistance to all relevant stakeholders about the accessibility design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act as amended in 1988. However, Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST is not responsible for enforcement of the Fair Housing Act. The information, materials, and technical assistance are intended solely as informal guidance and are neither a determination of legal responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act nor binding on any agency with enforcement responsibility under the Fair Housing Act.
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