Fair Housing




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    Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST

    Fair Housing Instruction, Resources, Support, and Technical Guidance

    Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST is an initiative designed to promote compliance with the Fair Housing Act design and construction requirements. The program offers comprehensive and detailed instruction programs, useful online web resources, and a toll-free information line for technical guidance and support.

    Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    HUD is seeking information on what it should consider when revising its Section 504 regulations, including but not limited to regulations related to building, design and construction requirements and whether to adopt an updated Federal accessibility standard. The deadline for submitting feedback is July 24, 2023. For more information please visit www.hud.gov/504.

    Final Rule:

    Fair Housing Act Design and Construction Requirements; Adoption of Additional Safe Harbors

    SUMMARY: This rule amends HUD’s Fair Housing Act design and construction regulations by incorporating by reference the 2009 edition of International Code Council (ICC) Accessible and Usable Building and Facilities (ICC A117.1–2009) standard, as a safe harbor. The Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities standard is a technical standard for the design of facilities that are accessible to persons with disabilities. HUD has determined that compliance with ICC A117.1–2009 satisfies the design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act and its amendments. This rule also designates the 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018 editions of the International Building Code (IBC) as safe harbors under the Fair Housing Act. The IBC is a model building code and not law, but it has been adopted as law by various states and localities. The IBC provides minimum standards for public safety, health, and welfare as they are affected by building construction.

    EFFECTIVE DATE: March 8, 2021.

    SEE: 24 CFR Part 100 78957 - 63 FR-2020b12-08.pdf

    A First Look at Accessibility


    Our instruction curriculum includes general information, as well as more specific technical information regarding design and construction requirements, building strategies, various disability rights laws, and enforcement.


    Sign-up for upcoming FIRST training events and conferences around the U.S.

    Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST has been contracted by HUD to provide information, materials, and technical assistance to all relevant stakeholders about the accessibility design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act as amended in 1988. However, Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST is not responsible for enforcement of the Fair Housing Act. The information, materials, and technical assistance are intended solely as informal guidance and are neither a determination of legal responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act nor binding on any agency with enforcement responsibility under the Fair Housing Act.