RAD Closings Press Release Archives
This web page contains archived press releases on RAD closings. To view closings from the current year, access the web page here.
- HUD Preserves 87 Affordable Rental Homes Through Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion with the Housing Authority of the City of Little Rock (November 18, 2022)
- HUD Closes Rental Assistance Demonstration Transaction with the Housing Authority of Joliet, Illinois to Preserve 113 Homes for Low-Income Seniors (November 8, 2022)
- HUD Closes Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion in Cookeville, TN, to Support 48 New Affordable Rental Homes (October 6, 2022)
- HUD Closes Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion Transaction with Franklin Housing Authority in Franklin, Tennessee to Build 76 New Construction Affordable Homes (August 25, 2022)
- HUD Closes $33.3 Million Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion with Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, Preserving 114 Affordable Rental Homes at the Village at Castleberry Hill Site (August 3, 2022)
- HUD Closes $26 Million Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion with Philadelphia Housing Authority to Create 58 Newly Constructed Affordable Homes (July 6, 2022)
- HUD Closes $39.8 Million Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion Transaction to Preserve 299 Affordable Housing Units in Salt Lake County, UT (July 5, 2022)
- HUD Closes Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion Transaction as Part of a Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan in Baltimore, MD (June 30, 2022)
HUD Closes Rental Assistance Demonstration Conversion with Miami-Dade County Public Housing & Community Development to Renovate Senior Community of 240 Homes at Haley Sofge, (June 30, 2022) - HUD closes RAD conversion transaction with the Virgin Islands Housing Authority to rehabilitate affordable homes in St. Croix. (June 21, 2022)
- HUD closes $16 Million RAD conversion transaction with the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) to build and preserve 150 homes at Post Oak Station (June 21, 2022)
- With one year of HUD’s Faircloth-to-RAD initiative, Public Housing Authorities across the country are already creating nearly 1,850 new affordable housing units for some of the nation’s most vulnerable populations through this innovative program. (May 3, 2022)
- HUD Closes RAD Conversion Transaction with the Housing Authority of the City of Tampa Florida, to build 196 deep affordable rental homes. (April 18, 2022)
- HUD Closes RAD Transaction with the Housing Authority of Duluth, MN, to preserve 387 homes for low-income iron range families. (March 28, 2022)
- District of Columbia Housing Authority Begins Its First Faircloth-To-RAD Redevelopment of 166 Affordable Homes at Kenilworth Court. (March 18, 2022)
- HUD Closes RAD Transaction with the Housing Authority of Kansas City Missouri to create a mixed-income community of 62 homes at Sam Rodgers Place. (March 7, 2022)
- HUD Closes RAD Conversion Transaction with the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority to preserve 174 deeply affordable senior rental homes in Ohio. (March 1, 2022)
- HUD Closes RAD Transaction with the Housing Authority of the City of Wilson, NC to Build 32 New Construction Affordable Rental Homes to Relocate People Impacted by Hurricane Matthew." (February 23, 2022)
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