RADBlast! Archives
This web page contains archived RADblasts!, an electronic communication sent to subscribers of our mailing list, RAD@hud.gov. To view blasts from the current year, access the web page here.
- December 15, 2020: 2020 RAD Rents Now Available | Spotlight on...The Housing Authority of the City of Austin
- November 30, 2020: Multifamily COVID-19 Supplemental Payments - Round II
- November 11, 2020: RAD Celebrates $10 Billion Invested in RAD-Converted Public Housing
- October 8, 2020: RAD PBV & PBRA Quick Reference Guide and RAD COVID-19 Supplemental Notice Webinar Now Available
- September 18, 2020: RAD COVID-19 Notice Published
- September 1, 2020: Navigating Post-Conversion RAD Requirements & Processing; Guidance on Successful Implementation of the Choice-Mobility Option
- July 31, 2020: Post-Conversion Processing Guide and CARES Act Funds
- July 14, 2020: Research Finds Positive Outcomes for Residents in Converted Properties; New Research Funding Opportunity Available
- May 21, 2020: RAD Form Documents Available for Public Comment, COVID-19 FAQs, and Repositioning Wednesday Webinar Series
- April 2, 2020: RAD and COVID-19, RAD in the FY 2021 Budget, RAD/Section 18 blends, and New Training Available
- February 6, 2020: RAD Environmental Review Guidance and Resident Log
- January 23, 2020: RAD Successfully Winds Down RAP Legacy Program, Preserving 14,462 Affordable Homes, Saving Residents from Displacement
- November 21, 2019: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in Chicago, IL
- November 4, 2019: FAQs on Opportunity Zone Rent Increases, RAD Notice Webinars, and Resident Rights Webinars Now Available
- October 22, 2019: HUD Releases Evaluation of Rental Assistance Demonstration
- September 17, 2019: Webinars on Revision 4 of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice*
- September 5, 2019: HUD Releases Revision 4 of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice
- August 9, 2019: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in Far Rockaway, NY
- July 23, 2019: HUD Announces Release of State-by-State RAD Fact Sheets
- June 4, 2019: HUD Publishes Revamped RAD Inventory Assessment Tool
- May 23, 2019: In Service to Those Who Served and Sacrificed
- April 1, 2019: Updates to the Environmental Review Requirements for RAD Conversions - Quick Reference Guide
- February 13, 2019: RAD Successfully Winds Down Rent Supp Legacy Program, Preserving More Than 13,000 Affordable Housing Homes, Savings Residents from Displacement
- February 7, 2019: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in Nashville, TN
- November 21, 2019: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in Chicago, IL
- November 4, 2019: FAQs on Opportunity Zone Rent Increases, RAD Notice Webinars, and Resident Rights Webinars Now Available
- October 22, 2019: HUD Releases Evaluation of Rental Assistance Demonstration
- September 17, 2019: Webinars on Revision 4 of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice*
- September 5, 2019: HUD Releases Revision 4 of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Notice
- August 9, 2019: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in Far Rockaway, NY
- July 23, 2019: HUD Announces Release of State-by-State RAD Fact Sheets
- June 4, 2019: HUD Publishes Revamped RAD Inventory Assessment Tool
- May 23, 2019: In Service to Those Who Served and Sacrificed
- April 1, 2019: Updates to the Environmental Review Requirements for RAD Conversions - Quick Reference Guide
- February 13, 2019: RAD Successfully Winds Down Rent Supp Legacy Program, Preserving More Than 13,000 Affordable Housing Homes, Savings Residents from Displacement
- February 7, 2019: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in Nashville, TN
- December 18, 2018: HUD Announces New RAD Rent Levels for 2019 and RAD Application Goes Online | Attachment
- November 19, 2018: RAD's First Video Essay: RAD in El Paso, Texas
- September 19, 2018: RAD Celebrates 100,000 Units Preserved
- September 7, 2018: Enhanced RAD Resource Desk going live on Monday, plus Recap is Hiring
- September 6, 2018: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in New Bern, North Carolina
- July 10, 2018: Materials Available and Follow-up Q&A July 13th on Two New RAD Notices
- July 2, 2018: Two New RAD Notices Published Today
- June 22, 2018: Recordings Available for the RAD Training 2018 Keys to a Successful RAD Conversion
- June 13, 2018: New RAD and Section 18 Blend FAQs and Recap is Hiring
- June 1, 2018: HUD will Host a RAD for PRACs Listening Session
- May 16, 2018: New Application, RAD Conference, Closing Guidance and More | Attachment
- April 26, 2018: RAD Photo Essay, RAD in Northfield
- April 23, 2018: HUD Training "Keys to a Successful RAD Conversion"
- April 11, 2018: Timelines for Closing RAD Conversions and New Mod Rehab Conversion Materials | Attachment
- April 4, 2018: FY18 Appropriations Expands RAD
- February 13, 2018: Introduction the Curb Appeal Project
- February 7, 2018: Mod Rehab Talk Office Hours
- January 31, 2018: RADTalk January 2018 (RAD Hits $5 Billion in Construction Activity) | Attachment
- January 23, 2018: Training on Heros Submissions
- January 18, 2018: RAD Photo Essay in San Francisco, CA
- January 17, 2018: Registration, RAD Conversion of Moderate Rehabilitation Contracts Webinar*
- January 16, 2018: CNA eTool Answer Session
- December 28, 2017: Part 50 On-Line Environmental Report Submissions | Part 50 Form
- November 17, 2017: CNA eTool Training & New Version of RAD PBV Contract
- November 3, 2017: New Construction Completion Certification, Underwriting Mixed-Finance Deals, and New Tools
- October 24, 2017: RAD and Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas
- September 25, 2017: CNA eTool, Post-Conversion Construction & Relocation Reviews, Guidance on Delayed Conversion
- September 21, 2017: RAD Photo Essay: Baltimore, MD
- August 23, 2017: HUD Publishes Notice Implementing 40K Cap Increase and New Resident Materials
- May 11, 2017: $4 Billion in Construction, RAD Cap Lifted, and More!
- March 15, 2017: Letters of Interest, CHAP Amendments and Rent Flexibilities, and 2017 Closing Deadlines
- February 28, 2017: RAD Newsletter Winter Edition 2017
- February 10, 2017: RAD Notice Revision 3 Training*
- January 12, 2017: RAD Notice Revision 3 Published
- January 9, 2017: Live Q&A Webinar on the RAD Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Relocation Notice*
- December 9, 2016: Live Q&A Webinar on the RAD Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Relocation Notice*
- November 28, 2016: Live Q&A Webinar on the RAD Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Relocation Notice*
- November 10, 2016: Publication of Fair Housing, Civil Rights, and Relocation Notice and New Public Transaction Data on the RAD Resource Desk
- October 28, 2016: Fiscal Year 2016 Successes
- October 3, 2016: RAD Form and Contract Documents Updated for Final 30-Day Comment*
- September 21, 2016: RAD Evaluation Interim Report Finds "Proof of Concept" | RAD Interim Report
- September 1, 2016: RAD Newsletter Summer 2016
- July 11, 2016: HAP Effective Dates and New Tools to Understand Initial Year Funding for Public Housing Conversion
- May 25, 2016: RAD Newsletter April/May 2016
- March 31, 2016: RAD Newsletter March 2016 and New Case Study in Ann Arbor, MI
- March 17, 2016: Listening Session on Closing Timeliness; Public Feedback Needed on RAD Contracts; and more
- January 28, 2016: RAD Newsletter January 2016
- December 24: HUD Choice Neighborhoods Action and Planning Grants Funding Available for RAD Projects | Attachment
- December 22: RAD Newsletter December 2015
- December 9: RAD Waiting List Posted
- November 23: HUD Releases Choice Neighborhoods Action and Planning Grants Funding
- November 12, 2015: Register for the 2015 Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Workshop - Shreveport, LA*
- October 29, 2015: RAD Newsletter October 2015
- October 9, 2015: New Updates to the RAD Quick Reference Guide | Attachment
- August 21, 2015: RAD Newsletter August 2015
- August 10, 2015: Initital Year Funding Tool Guidance
- July 16, 2015: RAD Newsletter July 2015
- July 13, 2015: Live QA Session July 17, 2015 on Public Housing Mod Rehab and Rent Supp/RAP Sections of the Notice*
- July 7, 2015: Live QA Session July 10, 2015 on Public Housing Mod Rehab and Rent Supp/RAP Sections of the Notice*
- June 22, 2015: Live QA Session June 26, 2015 on Public Housing Mod Rehab and Rent Supp/RAP Sections of the Notice*
- June 19, 2015: RAD Special Edition Newsletter
- June 16, 2015: HUD Publishes Revised Notice
- June 15, 2015: Webinars on Public Housing Mod Rehab and Rent Supp/RAP Sections of the Notice*
- May 14, 2015: RAD Newsletter April 2015
- April 14, 2015: RAD Newsletter March 2015
- April 9, 2015: Clarifying Milestone Requirements and Related Information for New Awardees under RADs First Component
- March 16, 2015: Relocation Training on Relocation Rules for RAD 1st Component Conversions*
- March 4, 2015: RAD Newsletter February 2015
- February 5, 2015: RAD Newsletter January 2015
- February 3, 2015: 2015 HUD Appropriations and RAD Supplemental Guidance
- December 30: RAD Newsletter December 2014
- December 23: 2015 HUD Appropriations and the RAD Program
- December 12: New RAD Case Studies
- December 1: RAD Newsletter November 2014
- November 5: New RAD Case Studies and RAD Newsletter October 2014
- October 14: 2014 RAD Program Updates
- October 3: New RAD Newsletter
- July 23: Live Q&A Session on RAD Relocation under the First Component, Public Housing*
- July 17: 2014 RAD Program Program Updates
- July 11: RAD Webinar Registration - RAD Fast Track Process for Non-FHA LIHTC Transactions
- April 2: Webcast Training on Public Housing Properties Converting to PBRA
- February 28: Live Q&A Session on Program Updates* | Attachment
- February 21: RAD Program Update | Attachment
- February 12: Second Component Extended Authority
- January 24: First Component Unit Cap
- December 13: Submitting RAD Requests and Technical Waivers; Updated RPCA Scope of Work
- November 7: RAD 2nd Component Conversions and the Continuing Resolution
- November 6: Live Q&A Session on 1st Component Updates* | Webcast
- November 4: RAD Applications Update
- October 22: RAD Rent and Funding Levels | Attachment
- October 1: Important Information on the RAD Program
- September 25: Live Q&A Session on the Mod Rehab Address Database* | Attachment | Webcast
- September 4: Live Q&A Session and New Materials on the RAD Website
- August 29: Live Q&A Session on the Update to the Inventory Assessment Tool* | Webcast
- August 21: Live Q&A Session on the RAD Application* | Webcast
- August 13: Live Q&A Session on Multi-Phase and Portfolio Conversions* | Webcast
- August 6: Live Q&A Session on the Inventory Assessment Tool*
- July 29: Live Q&A Session on RAD 101 Converting Public Housing* | Webcast | Presentation
- July 23: Live Q&A Session on Expanding the PHA Capacity* | Webcast
- July 17: Expanded Flexibilities for RAD Webcast; Live Q&A on RAD Conversions; and 2nd Component Deadline
- July 2: RAD Revised Notice Published
- June 12: 2nd Component Spotlights, Pipeline Update, Deadline Reminder, FAQs
* Topic listed for informational purposes only, registration closed, however, video/audio links and documentation may be associated with the some topics.
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