Environmental Guidance
    Serving Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and HUD-regulations that implement NEPA before funds can be committed or spent on any project. The purpose of the environmental review is to protect the natural environment as well as the environmental health and safety of those we assist.

    The HUD Exchange is the official Environmental Review website for the Department’s Office of Environment and Energy (OEE) and should always be consulted for the most up-to-date policies, guidance, checklists, tools and information on the environmental review process for HUD. The resources of both the HUD Exchange and those found here on HUDs Region X website will assist in completing environmental reviews in the Pacific Northwest.

    The Laws & Authorities listed below are either:

    1. Specific for the state indicated and should be reviewed as there may be a process/procedure or special guidance that is unique for that law and authority in the state listed, or
    2. Links to HUDs official website for the most up-to-date policies, guidance and information on the environmental review process for HUD if a Law and Authority does not have a unique state process/procedure or special guidance for the specific Law and Authority.

    If you are new to conducting Environmental Reviews, explore the components of an environmental review found here. This link contains information pertaining to both Part 50 and Part 58 reviews including how to determine the proper level of review and suggested formats for conducting an environmental review.

    Completing environmental reviews in Region X

    Historic Preservation [36 CFR Part 800]





    Floodplain Management [24 CFR 55, Executive Order 11988]

    Wetland Protection [24 CFR 55, Executive Order 11990]

    • More information for the state of Alaska

    Coastal Zone Management Act [Sections 307(c), (d)]


    • Currently the State of Alaska does not have a Coastal Zone Management Plan. Projects are not subject to this requirement.


    • There are no designated Coastal Zones in Idaho.


    • Coastal Zone Management Checklist (PDF) (Word)


    • As of July 22, 2020, Washington State Department of Ecology notified HUD of the following:
      “Ecology has concluded that it is unnecessary for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to continue to send project information in order to receive Ecology’s concurrence that the funding phase of the project is consistent with Washington’s CZMP. Therefore, we are writing to inform you that HUD no longer needs to require applicants to send Ecology letters seeking our concurrence on projects for which HUD plans to release federal funding.”
      Inclusion of the following statement in the Environmental Review Record is strongly encouraged to ensure projects are aware that CZM may still apply at the time of local and/or national permitting.
      “Concurrence from Dept. of Ecology for Coastal Zone Management is no longer required under a Part 58 or Part 50 Environmental Review in Washington State. However, at the time of project development, the activity may trigger review if it falls under other parts of the CZMA regulations for federal agency activities (Title 15 CFR Part 930, subpart C), or consistency for activities requiring a federal license or permit (Title 15 CFR Part 930, Subpart D) and will be subject to all enforceable policies of the Coastal Zone Management Program. It is during the local permitting process that a project might be subject to CZM and further review by the Dept of Ecology.”

    Sole Source Aquifers [40 CFR 149]

    For use in ALL STATES:


    Endangered Species Act [50 CFR 402]

    The purpose of the following state specific checklists are to assist HUD, HUD responsible entities (REs) and ER partners in meeting their obligations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for both Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and National Marine Fishery Services (NMFS), and the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) with NMFS for essential fish habitat (EFH) when necessary. The checklists are designed to help you determine whether a proposed project will have an effect on federally-listed species, designated critical habitat, or essential fish habitat, and the process to follow based on those effect determinations.

    Please NOTE: ONLY HUD or a Responsible Entity may initiate consultation with USFWS & NMFS (known as “the Services”).  All requests for consultation by parties other than HUD or the RE will be rejected by both of the Services.


    • USFWS Alaska Programmatic (PDF)
    • NMFS Alaska Section 7 Guidance (PDF)


    • Idaho Endangered Species Act No Effect Guidance (PDF) (Word)


    • Oregon Endangered Species Act No Effect Guidance (PDF) (Word)
    • NMFS HUD Programmatic Appendices (PDF)
    • Endangered Species Act Section 7 Formal Programmatic Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation (PDF)
    • Mandatory ESA Quarterly Consultation with HUD, NOAA Fisheries (NMFS), and Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) Services is held during the last month of each quarter (March, June, September, December). Contact our office for the exact date.
    • USFWS Threatened and Endangered Species in Oregon


    • FWS ESA Guidance (PDF) (Word)
    • NMFS Checklist and Appendices (PDF) (Word)
    • Endangered Species Act Section 7 Formal Programmatic Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation (PDF)

    Wild and Scenic Rivers Act [Sections 7(b), and (c)]

    Clean Air Act [Sections 176(c), (d) and 40 CFR 6, 51, 93]

    Farmland Protection Policy Act [7 CFR 658]

    Environmental Justice [Executive Order 12898]

    HUD's Environmental Standards

    Noise Abatement and Control [24 CFR 51B]

    Explosive and Flammable Operations [24 CFR 51C]

    Toxic Chemicals and Radioactive Materials [24 CFR 58.5(i)(2)]

    Airport Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones [24 CFR 51D]