The goal of the YHDP is to support up to 11 communities, at least 5 of which will be rural, in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness, and sharing that experience with and mobilizing communities around the country toward the same end. The population to be served by this demonstration program is youth experiencing homelessness, including unaccompanied and pregnant or parenting youth, where no member of the household is older than 24. The demonstration has five primary objectives:
- Build national momentum. Motivate state and local homelessness stakeholders across the country to prevent and end youth homelessness by forming new partnerships, addressing system barriers, conducting needs assessments, testing promising strategies, and evaluating their outcomes;
- Evaluate the coordinated community approach. Evaluate coordinated community approaches to preventing and ending youth homelessness, including local and state partnerships across sectors and other planning operations
- Expand capacity. Demonstration communities will expand their capacity to serve homeless unaccompanied youth, pilot new models of assistance, and determine what array of interventions is necessary to serve the target population in their community
- Evaluate performance measures. Evaluate the use of performance measurement strategies designed to better measure youth outcomes and the connection between youth program outcomes and youth performance measures on overall system performance for the Continuum of Care (CoC);
- Establish a framework for federal program and TA collaboration. Determine the most effective way for federal resources to interact within a state or local system to support a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness.
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6100-N-35
Opportunity Title: Youth Homeless Demonstration Program
Competition ID: FR-6100-N-35
CFDA No.: 14.276
OMB Approval Numbers: 2506-0210
Opening Date: January 17, 2018
Deadline Date: April 17, 2018