FY 2018 Notices of Funding Availability
FY 2018 Fair Housing Initiative Program


Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI)

FHIP funds are used to increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act. This year, funding is available under three Initiatives: Private Enforcement (PEI), Fair Housing Organization (FHOI) and Education and Outreach (EOI) Initiatives. For FY2018, funding for each initiative is listed under a separate NOFA. Applicants must apply under the correct NOFA to be considered for funding and may apply for funding under each FHIP NOFA and under multiple components. If an applicant applies for funding under multiple initiatives and/or components, a separate application must be submitted for each component for which the applicant applies. This NOFA will consider applicants applying under EOI only.

The following is a general description of the Education and Outreach Initiative and related components. (See Section III. A. for all component eligibility requirements.):

Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI).. This initiative provides funding for developing, implementing, carrying out, or coordinating education and outreach programs designed to inform members of the public concerning their rights and obligations under the provisions of the Fair Housing Act. Under the EOI NOFA, activities eligible for funding include but are not limited to: developing educational advertising campaigns, developing and distributing material, and conducting educational activities (workshops, conferences, seminars etc.) that inform people of their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act (see Section F.III.A for detailed eligible activities).

EOI eligible applicants may be funded under the following components:

Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI) - $7,450,000

(1) National-Based Programs

  • National Media Campaign Component (EOI-NMCC) - $1,000,000

(2) Regional/Local/Community Based Program

  • General Component (EOI-G) - $6,200,000

(3) Regional/Local/ Community Based Program- Tester Training Component (EOI-TTC) $250,000

Applicants applying under this or other FHIP NOFAs must meet the specific eligibility requirements for each component (see Section III.A.1 of each NOFA) for which the applicant applies and apply under the correct NOFA(s). Applicants will be funded in accordance with the funding restrictions listed under Section IV.F.

HUD is making available through this Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI) NOFA $7,450,000 for The Fair Housing Initiatives Program.

Funding Opportunity Number:  FR-6200-N-21A
Opportunity Title:  Education and Outreach
Competition ID:  FR-6200-N-21A
CFDA No.:  14.416
OMB Approval Numbers:  2529-0033
Opening date:  October 29, 2018
Deadline date:  December 19, 2018

CONTACT INFORMATION:  HUD staff will be available to provide clarification on the content of this NOFA. Please note that HUD staff cannot assist applicants in preparing their applications. Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFA should be directed to Myron Newry (Myron.P.Newry@hud.gov) at (202) 402-7095. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.

Fair Housing Organization Initiative (FHOI)

FHIP funds are used to increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act. This year, funding is available under three Initiatives: Private Enforcement (PEI), Fair Housing Organization (FHOI) and Education and Outreach (EOI) Initiatives. For FY2018, funding for each initiative is listed under a separate NOFA. Applicants must apply under the correct NOFA to be considered for funding, any may apply for funding under each FHIP NOFA and under multiple components. If an applicant applies for funding under multiple initiatives and/or components, a separate application must be submitted for each component which the applicant applies. This NOFA will consider applicants applying under the FHOI Initiative only. Please see the specific PEI and EOI NOFAs for the additional FHIP funding opportunities.

The following is a general description of FHOI. (See section III. A. for the FHOI eligibility requirements and component listing):

Fair Housing Organization Initiative (FHOI). This Initiative provides funding to establish new fair housing enforcement organizations and to support the continued existence of fair housing organizations in building their capacity to enforce the prohibitions on discrimination set forth in the Fair Housing Act. Under this NOFA, activities eligible for funding include but are not limited to:(1) adding an enforcement staff and enforcement-related activities (e.g., to an existing fair housing education organization); and (2) expanding testing expertise and experience. FHOI eligible applicants may be funded under the following component:

Fair Housing Organization Initiative (FHOI)

Continued Development General Component (CDGC) - $500,000

Applicants applying under this or other FHIP NOFAs must meet the specific eligibility requirements for each component (see Section III.A.1 of each NOFA) for which the applicant applies and apply under the correct NOFA(s). Applicants will be funded in accordance with the funding restrictions listed under Section IV.F.

HUD is making available through this FHOI NOFA $500,000 for Fair Housing Initiatives Program.

Funding Opportunity Number:  FR-6200-N-21B
Opportunity Title:  Fair Housing Organization Initiative
Competition ID:  FR-6200-N-21B
CFDA No.:  14.417
OMB Approval Numbers:  2529-0033
Opening date:  October 29, 2018
Deadline date:  December 19, 2018

CONTACT INFORMATION:  HUD staff will be available to provide clarification on the content of this NOFA. Please note that HUD staff cannot assist applicants in preparing their applications. Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFA should be directed to Myron Newry (Myron.P.Newry@hud.gov) at (202) 402-7095. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.

Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

FHIP funds are used to increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act. This year, funding is available under three Initiatives: Private Enforcement (PEI), Fair Housing Organization (FHOI) and Education and Outreach (EOI) Initiatives. For FY2018, funding for each initiative is listed under a separate NOFA. Applicants must apply under the correct NOFA to be considered for funding, and if an applicant applies for funding under multiple initiatives and/or components, a separate application must be submitted for each component which the applicant applies. This NOFA will consider applicants applying under PEI only. Multi-year awards beyond FY2018 funding are subject to appropriations and the availability of funds.

The following is a general description of the Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) – (See Section III.A. for eligibility requirements.): PEI provides funding to private, non-profit fair housing enforcement organizations that meet statutory requirements to investigate violations and obtain enforcement of the rights granted under the Fair Housing Act or State or local laws that provide rights and remedies for discriminatory housing practices that are substantially equivalent to the rights and remedies provided in the Fair Housing Act. This NOFA provides grants of up to $300,000 per year for a three-year duration, with future years’ funding subject to appropriations. PEI applicants may be funded under the following component based on eligibility:

Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) - $6,130,337

Multi-Year Funding Component (PEI-MYFC)

Total PEI Multi-Year Funding (PEI-MYFC) is $30, 750,000 minus $24,619,663 already reserved for FY 2016 and FY 2017 Multi-year grantees), therefore making $6,130,337 available for FY2018 new awardees.

Applicants applying under this or other FHIP NOFAs must meet the specific eligibility requirements for each component (see Section III.A.1 of each NOFA) which the applicant applies and apply under the correct NOFA(s). Applicants will be funded in accordance with the funding restrictions listed under Section IV.F.

HUD is making available through this Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) NOFA $6,130,337 for Fair Housing Initiative Programs.

Funding Opportunity Number:  FR-6200-N-21C
Opportunity Title:  Private Enforcement Initiative
Competition ID:  FR-6200-N-21C
CFDA No.:  14.418
OMB Approval Numbers:  2529-0033
Opening date:  October 29, 2018
Deadline date:December 19, 2019

CONTACT INFORMATION:  HUD staff will be available to provide clarification on the content of this NOFA. Please note that HUD staff cannot assist applicants in preparing their applications. Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFA should be directed to Myron Newry (Myron.P.Newry@hud.gov) at (202) 402-7095. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.


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