FY 2017 HUD Community Planning and Development Homeless Management Information System Capacity Building Project

This NOFA makes available [$5,000,000] for competitive grants to existing Continuum of Care (CoC) Program recipients to improve their CoCs’ Homeless Management Information Systems. A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is the information system designated by the Continuum of Care (CoC) to comply with the requirements of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11301 et seq.) (the McKinney-Vento Act), and 24 CFR part 578. HMIS is used to record, analyze, and transmit client and activity data for purposes of providing shelter, housing, and services to individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Activities that improve HMIS include any one or more of the following:

  • Consolidating HMIS software or databases with another CoC’s HMIS;
  • Upgrading, customizing, or configuring the functionality of a CoC’s existing HMIS;
  • Improving HMIS data quality; or
  • Increasing staff skills through trainings related to HMIS governance, data collection and 2 of 32 data quality improvements, and data analysis to support strategic decision-making.

The funding under this NOFA will primarily be targeted to CoCs that are most in need of HMIS improvements, which HUD defines as CoCs that lack capacity to operate their HMIS in an effective or strategic manner, or to use their HMIS data for meaningful, system-level decision making. This NOFA also provides funding for HMIS Consolidations and encourages CoC recipients with a strong HMIS to partner with CoCs that have struggled to effectively implement their own HMIS. “HMIS Consolidation” means creating a single HMIS, governed by a shared HMIS governance charter, from two or more HMIS that were independently governed by their own HMIS governance charters. The Appendix provides a list of CoCs with HMIS implementations determined to have highest needs, and likely competitive for the improvement and consolidation funds provided in this NOFA.

HUD will use a two-phase process to select applicants and distribute funding. In Phase 1, existing CoC program recipients that are Unified Funding Agencies, collaborative applicants, or HMIS Leads will be able to submit applications to fund either HMIS improvements or an HMIS consolidation. HUD will evaluate each applicant’s proposed activities to ensure eligibility and evaluate responses to several rating factors. Based on Phase 1 results, applicants will be conditionally selected to submit a budget and project proposal to HUD for review and approval. Applicants will have 45 days from the date of the Phase 1 selection announcement to submit a budget and proposal that meets the Phase 2 criteria described in this NOFA. To help assure the budgets and project proposals are cost-effective, feasible, necessary, and maximize the positive impact of this funding, HUD will offer a selection of TA providers to all conditionally selected applicants to assist with developing the applicant’s budget and project proposal in Phase 2. HUD will distribute available funds based on the cost effectiveness, feasibility, necessity and estimated impact of each submitted budget and proposal. Eligible activities can be found in Section IV.F.

Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6100-N-40
Opportunity Title: Community Planning and Development Homeless Management Information System Capacity Building Project
Competition ID: FR-6100-N-40
CFDA No.: 14.261
OMB Approval Numbers: 2506-0112
Opening date: November 19, 2018
Deadline date: January 31, 2018

  • Program NOFA