FY 2019 Mainstream Voucher Program
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 made approximately $385 million available for new mainstream vouchers. On September 4, 2018, HUD awarded more than $98 million to qualified applicants through FR-6100-N-43. Through a future award process, HUD plans to award additional mainstream vouchers to those PHAs who were funded through FR-6100-N-43 and this NOFA (FR-6300-N-43) based on performance including utilization. While not a requirement to receive funding under this NOFA, HUD will provide additional points for public housing agencies (PHAs) that target funds to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities who are transitioning out of institutional or other segregated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization, currently experiencing homelessness, previously experienced homelessness and currently a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project, or those at risk of experiencing homelessness. In addition, points will be awarded for PHAs that formalize partnerships with and leverage resources from State Medicaid Agencies and various health and human services partner agencies or organizations. Targeting resources to assist eligible persons with disabilities and their families who are transitioning out of institutional or other segregated settings or at serious risk of institutionalization will help further the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). One critical goal under the ADA is to ensure services, programs, and activities by public entities are provided in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of individuals with disabilities, as affirmed by the Supreme Court in the Olmstead decision (and settlements and decrees implementing Olmstead). This NOFA will offer vouchers to provide sustained community-based integrated housing opportunities to non-elderly persons with disabilities. Targeting resources to assist eligible persons with disabilities and their families who are currently experiencing homelessness, have previously experienced homelessness, or at risk of experiencing homelessness supports the goals of Home Together: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6300-N-43
Opportunity Title: FR-6300-N-43 Mainstream Voucher Program
Competition ID: FR-3200-N-43
CFDA No.: 14.879
OMB Approval Numbers: 2577-0169
Opening Date: July 2, 2019
Deadline Date: September 5, 2019
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