FY 2019 Jobs Plus Initiative

The Jobs Plus program develops locally-based, job-driven approaches that increase earnings and advance employment outcomes through work readiness, employer linkages, job placement, educational advancement, technology skills, and financial literacy for residents of public housing. The place-based Jobs Plus program addresses poverty among public housing residents by incentivizing and enabling employment through earned income disregards for working residents and a set of services designed to support work including employer linkages, job placement and counseling, educational advancement, and financial counseling. Ideally, these incentives will saturate the target public housing projects (referred to as "projects" hereafter), building a culture of work and making working residents the norm.

The Jobs Plus program comprises these three core components (further described below):

  • Employment-Related Services
  • Financial/Rent Incentive – Jobs Plus Earned Income Disregard (JPEID)
  • Community Supports for Work
  • Applicants are encouraged to develop key partnerships to connect participants with any other needed services to remove barriers to work. An Individualized Training and Services Plan (ITSP) should be developed for each participant to establish goals and service strategies, and to track progress.

Funding Opportunity Number:  FR-6300-N-14
Opportunity Title: Jobs Plus Initiative
Competition ID:  FR-6300-N-14
CFDA No:  14.895
OMB Approval Number:  2577-0281
Opening Date:  07/30/2019
Deadline Date: 10/01/2019