Research and Evaluation, Demonstrations and Data Analysis and Utilization Program (HUDRD)

Three types of research project are solicited.  Projects 1 and 2:  Congress has provided funding that will allow HUD to evaluate the efficacy of its resilience expenditures. HUD is soliciting proposals to conduct two distinct, but related, research studies: (1) a cost-effectiveness evaluation that investigates long- and short-term benefits and costs of expenditures designed to reduce risk to people and property from flood hazards and increase resilience to flood impacts, with explicit focus on impacts to vulnerable populations, and (2) an assessment of implementation of flood resilience strategies, with a goal of identifying those implementation practices that have the greatest chance of being successful across a range of communities. Following on each study – the cost-effectiveness analysis and the implementation study – the respective research organization(s) will produce guidance tools for communities carrying out flood resilience strategies. The cost-effectiveness guidance will include practical methods of project assessment that can be deployed by local communities and states with varying levels of capacity for assessing the benefits of resilience expenditures. Implementation guidance will include assessment of common implementation challenges and solutions and best practices for conceiving, planning, funding, and implementing flood resilience strategies, especially how to improve community participation and support of such strategies. For Project 3, HUD is funding co-operative agreements for pre-competitive research in homebuilding technologies that provide the homebuilding industry with new, innovative construction products or practices that lead to more affordable, energy efficient, resilient (in this sense, durable, disaster resistant, adaptable for future requirements, and maintainable), and healthier housing.

This NOFA announces the availability of up to $4,708,000.

Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6200-N-29
Opportunity Title: Research and Evaluation, Demonstrations and Data Analysis and Utilization Program (HUDRD)
Competition ID: FR-6200-N-29
CFDA No: 14.536
OMB Approval Numbers: 2528-0229
Opening Date: April 10, 2019
Deadline Date: May 24, 2019

Contact Information:  HUD staff will be available to provide clarification on the content of this NOFA.  Questions regarding specific program requirements for this NOFA should be directed to

Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Please note that HUD staff cannot assist applicants in preparing their applications