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    ConnectHomeUSA (CHUSA) creates a platform for community leaders, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and private industry stakeholders to join together and produce locally-tailored solutions for narrowing the digital divide for HUD-assisted residents living in CHUSA-designated communities across the country.



    ConnectHomeUSA (CHUSA) creates a platform for community leaders, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and private industry to join together and produce locally-tailored solutions for narrowing the digital divide for HUD-assisted residents living in CHUSA-designated communities across the country.


    HUD is committed to advancing digital opportunities in HUD-assisted communities.




    CHUSA is HUD’s signature digital opportunity program. In operation since 2015, the initiative has reached one hundred communities and has helped tens of thousands of HUD-assisted residents access affordable in-home internet service, devices, and the training to use them. The initiative continues to grow and expects to bring 50-100 new communities into the program by the end of 2024.

    CHUSA works closely with its nonprofit partner, EducationSuperHighway, to leverage private-sector commitments to support the work of CHUSA communities. To learn more about their work and other resources that can support your digital inclusion efforts, we invite you to peruse this page for links to the CHUSA Playbook, past CHUSA Summit materials, guidebooks, and more.

    If you have questions or would like to learn more, send us an email at connecthome@hud.gov.



    Press Release

    Thursday, February 8, 2024

    HUD Encourages Participation in Locating Homes and Businesses that Lack Internet Access

    Read press release

    Press Release

    Thursday, December 19, 2023

    HUD Expands ConnectHomeUSA Initiative, Closing the Digital Gap for Families

    Read press release

    Press Release

    Monday, October, 23 2023

    HUD Announces ConnectHomeUSA Virtual Summit to Bridge the Digital Divide for HUD-Assisted Families

    Read press release

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