[HUD homes]
    Financing Manufactured (Mobile) Homes (TITLE I)

    Under Title I Manufactured Home Loan Program, FHA approved lenders make loans to eligible borrowers to finance the purchase or refinance of a:

    • Manufactured Home Unit
    • Manufactured Home Lot
    • Manufactured Home and Lot (Combination)


    picture of an american flag

    Financing Options for your Manufactured Home:


    Manufactured Home Unit

    1. Home may be classified as personal property or as real estate.
    2. Includes the Unit only exclusive of the lot or site and may include appurtenances.
    3. Must meet the Model Manufactured Home Installation Standards.
    4. Must meet state and local requirements governing installation and construction of the manufactured home foundation system.
    5. Must carry a one-year manufacturer's warranty if the unit is new.
    6. Must be installed on a homesite that meets established local standards for site suitability and has adequate water supply and sewage disposal facilities available.  




    Manufactured Home Lot

    1. Consists of a deeded parcel of real estate, a lot in a subdivision or PUD or Condominium Project.
    2. Ownership of the lot must be Fee Simple.
    3. Manufactured Home Unit must be placed on the lot and home must be occupied as principal residence within 6 months after date of loan.





    1. Includes the Manufactured Home Unit and lot or site and may include appurtenances.
    2. Title for the lot must be owned by the borrower in fee simple.
    3. Title to the home must be in Fee Simple if classified as real estate and vehicle title is surrendered or must be treated as personal property or Chattel.


    Maximum Loan Amount

    All TItle I Manufactured Home Loans are subject to loan amount limits based on the following:

    • Nation Wide Loan Limits;
    • Minium Cash Investments (MCI);
    • Minium Decision Credit Score limitations;
    • Maximum Loan-to-Value (LTV); and
    • LTV calculation applicatible to the transaction type.

    Manufactured Homes Placed on a Leased Lot

    • Borrowers may lease the lot on which their manufactured home is placed, such as a site within a manufactured home community or mobile home park. 
    • When the land/lot is leased, HUD requires the initial lease term of three years.
    • The lease must provide that the homeowner will receive advance written notice of at least 180 days, in the event the lease is to be terminated. 
    • These lease terms are designed to protect homeowners in case the lessors sell the land or close the park.

    Locating a Dealer

    Manufactured homes are usually purchased through dealers or retailers that sell the homes. The names of lenders in your area which specialize in financing manufactured homes can be obtained from local retailers.

    Eligible Borrowers Must

    • Meet FHA eligibility and credit underwriting standards.
    • Intend to occupy the manufactured home as their principal residence.

    Have a suitable site on which to place the manufactured home. The home may be situated on an individual homesite owned or leased by the borrower.



    Contract the FHA Resource Center for more Title I information.


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