Standard Information
Each applicant must provide the following information as part of the online application for FHA approval:
Online Application Tab Location
Online Application
Field Description
Lender Info
Company Name
- Legally registered corporate name associated with the Mortgagee's Home Office
Tax ID
- Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Date Established
- Date the Mortgagee was established as a legal entity
Fiscal Year End Month
- Month of the Mortgagee's fiscal year end
- Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry Unique Identifier
DBA Name
- "Doing Business As" (DBA) name is any registered name or alias that the Mortgagee has a legal right to use
Geographic Address
- Mortgagee's geographic address for its Home Office, which is the main office from which it will manage its FHA business
Mailing Address
- Address for receiving mail for FHA business
Administrative Address/POC
- Address to which correspondence between Lender Electronic Assessment Portal (LEAP) and the lender will be directed. The Point of Contact (POC) associated with the Mortgagee's Administrative Address will be the primary contact for all interaction between LEAP and the lender
Contact Person
- Primary contact for all inquiries related to the online application
Application Scope
FHA Lender Approval Type
- Type of FHA Mortgagee approval being sought: Supervised, Non-Supervised, Government or Investing
Supervising Agency
- If applying as a Supervised Mortgagee, then must provide the Mortgagee's supervising agency
FHA Programs
- FHA program participation being sought: Title I, Title II Single Family and/or Title II Multifamily
Lender Functions
- Functions being sought: Originate/Underwrite, Own and/or Service
Officer / Owner
- Designated Officer in Charge (OIC)
Corporate Officers
- Names, titles, and Social Security Numbers (SSN) for all Corporate Officers who will be directly involved in managing, overseeing, or conducting FHA business for the Mortgagee
Principal Owners
- Names, SSN or TIN, and applicable percent ownership for each principal owner of the Mortgagee
For the specific requirements related to the information provided above, please refer to Handbook 4000.1 Section I.A.3.c.ii -iv.
Institution Document Guides