Large Supervised Mortgagee
A Large Supervised Mortgagee is a member of the Federal Reserve System, or regulated by FDIC, OCC, or NCUA, with consolidated total assets of $500 million or more at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Eligibility Requirements for FHA Program Approval
Online Application Attachment Category
Required Documentation
Financial Requirements
Required Financial Statements
Independent Auditor's Report comprising audited financial statements including the computation of adjusted net worth; and
Consolidated schedule or Call Report, if necessary
- Audited financial statements must be prepared in accordance with GAAP and must demonstrate the Mortgagee has:
- $1,000,000 minimum adjusted net worth at all times
- $200,000 minimum liquid assets at all times
- Audited financial statements must cover 12 months of operation. For companies operating fewer than 12 months the audited financial statements must cover all months of operation
- End date of the audited financial statements must align with the Mortgagee's fiscal year end period at the time of application
- Independent Auditor's Report is to be prepared in accordance with GAAS
- Independent Auditor's Report and opinion must include the Mortgagee's computation of its adjusted net worth
- Adjusted net worth and liquid assets both must be computed in accordance with the HUD OIG Handbook 2000.04, Consolidated Audit Guide for Audits of HUD Programs
- If the end date for the audited financial reports is more than 6 months old, the Mortgagee must also submit consolidated schedule or unaudited financial statements, signed and dated by a Corporate Officer in ink, for the most recent interim accounting period ending less than three months prior to submission of the FHA application
- Consolidated schedule or unaudited financial statements must still demonstrate the Mortgagee has:
- $1,000,000 minimum adjusted net worth at all times
- $200,000 minimum liquid assets at all times
Errors and Omissions Insurance
Errors & Omissions Insurance
Full Policy
- $300,000 minimum coverage amount
- Insured Party must be the exact name of the Mortgagee
- Current policy must not expire until after the application process
Fidelity Bond
Fidelity Bond
Full Policy
- $300,000 minimum coverage amount
- Insured Party must be the exact name of the Mortgagee
- Current policy must not expire until after the application process
Quality Control Plan
Quality Control Plan
Quality Control Plan
- Plan must include all requirements from the Handbook 4000.1 Section V.A.1 through V.A.4
State License or Registration
State License or Registration
Charter Certificate
- Active chartered institution
- Alternative document can be NMLS registration showing an Approved, Active license
Ownership and Personnel
Resume for Officer in Charge
- Must cover most recent 7-year period
- Must provide enough detail to demonstrate person has 3 years of experience in the specific Mortgagee functions or activities that the Mortgagee is seeking approval to perform
- Person must be employed exclusively by the Mortgagee