To maintain FHA approval, each lender must complete an annual recertification package within 90 days of its fiscal year end. The LEAP User Manual is available for step-by-step instructions on how to submit the recertification package and other lender functions. For additional information on LEAP, please visit out LEAP Information web page.
The following items must be completed as part of the lender's recertification package:
- Lender Data Verification
- Annual Certification (Government lenders are only required to submit the annual certification)
- Recertification fee (Not required for Government lenders)
- Financial data (Not required for Government lenders)
- Complete the lender data verification;
- Complete the annual certification;
- Remit the annual recertification fee in LEAP;
- Submit financial statements in LEAP, along with the Audit Related Questions if applicable, and
- Return to LEAP on subsequent days to confirm the fee has been settled and the financial statements have been accepted.
A lender that does not wish to maintain its FHA approval must submit a Change Request for voluntary withdrawal of FHA approval via LEAP, as detailed in the FHA Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1 Section I.A.9 Voluntary Withdrawal.
Note: Voluntary Withdrawal requests will not be honored while there are any unpaid indemnification debts and mortgage insurance premiums, a pending administrative action, or a Mortgagee Review Board (MRB) action against the lender. The MRB may not honor a voluntary withdrawal request once a Notice of Violation has been issued. Failure to comply with annual recertification requirements does not constitute a voluntary withdrawal.
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- Updating FHA's Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Requirements for FHA Eligibility (ML 24-09)
- LRS Quick Reference Sheet Available
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