Housing Counseling Home


    Home Starts Here
    HUD-approved housing counseling has been helping consumers across America make informed decisions for more than 50 years. Wherever you are in the housing process, the nationwide network of HUD-trained housing counseling agencies is here for you -  providing the insights and answers you need to make the choices that are right for you.

    Housing Counseling by the Numbers1
    Year after year, HUD-approved housing counseling is making a difference in so many ways.


    Foreclosure Prevention Finances Improved
    Budget Created Household Counseled Per Year

    1 Source: HUD Office of Housing Counseling

    Housing Counseling Agency
    The approval of a housing counseling agency does not create or imply a warranty or endorsement by HUD of the approved agency or its employees to a prospective client or to any other organization or individual. Approval means only that the agency has met the qualifications and conditions prescribed by HUD.



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