Appraiser Roster Renewal Instructions

    Before you begin the process:

    1. Please read these instructions in their entirety, first, before taking action.

    2. Review your personal information listed on the Appraisal Subcommittee's National Registry:

      • Go to, click "National Registry" in the menu bar and select "Find an Appraiser." Type in your name and state.

      • Ensure that the field labeled "AQB Compliant" indicates "Yes". If the field is blank or if the response is "unknown" or "No", you are not eligible for placement on the FHA Appraiser Roster. FHA requires that your appraisal credentials meet or exceed the minimum criteria for a Certified General or Certified Residential appraiser issued by the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) of the Appraisal Foundation. You should contact your state appraiser regulatory agency to determine how to become state certified and therefore, AQB compliant.

      • Make sure that the certification expiration date is accurate. If the certification renewal number and expiration date are updated, it is not necessary to submit a scanned copy of the certification.

      • If the expiration date is not accurate (current), this means the state has not reported the information to the ASC yet. The roster will not accept an update until your state provides verification of the current state-issued certification to ASC. For information on when the state will provide the updated information to ASC, please contact your state appraiser regulatory agency or check the state reporting listing on the ASC website.

      • Important: Note the number shown in the "Lic. Number" field and the certification "Type" so that you can enter the state-issued number into FHA Connection exactly as it appears in the National Registry. An inexact match will result in an error message and you will not be able to proceed further with the application. Enter exactly what the registry has even if it is different from what is on the paper credential.
      • After verifying your information is current and correct on the National Registry, you may need to wait one business day before beginning the FHA online renewal to permit the National Registry to convey data to the roster in the FHA Connection. If your information needs to be corrected on the National Registry, you must ask your state appraisal regulatory agency to resend your information to the registry.
    3. You must have your current FHA Connection user ID or you must establish one.
    4. You may verify that your automatic renewal is complete in the FHA Connection or begin the renewal process now.