Label Verification
If the certification label (also known as a HUD tag) is missing from a home, the Department does not reissue labels for manufactured homes. However, the Department can issue a Letter of Label Verification for units for which it can locate the necessary historical information. The label numbers can be found on a data plate inside the home in one of three locations: on or near the main electrical panel, in a kitchen cabinet, in a bedroom closet. The data plate has a map of the United States to let the consumer know the Wind Zone, Snow Load, and Roof Load for which their home was built.
You may request a Letter of Label Verification from the Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS). You may also contact IBTS’ Label Department by phone at (866) 482-8868 or e-mail at
What is a HUD Label?
The Certification Label (also know as a HUD tag) is a metal plate that is affixed to the outside of the manufactured home. Section 3280.11(b) states, “The label shall be approximately 2 in. by 4 in. in size and shall be permanently attached to the manufactured home by means of 4 blind rivets, drive screws, or other means that render it difficult to remove without defacing it. It shall be etched on 0.32 in. thick aluminum plate. The label number shall be etched or stamped with a 3 letter designation which identifies the production inspection primary inspection agency and which the Secretary shall assign. Each label shall be marked with a 6 digit number which the label supplier shall furnish. The labels shall be stamped with numbers sequentially."
What is a Data Plate?
The Data Plate is a paper label affixed inside the home and is the size of a standard sheet of paper (8 ½” x 11”). The Data Plate can be found in a kitchen cabinet, an electrical panel, or a bedroom closet. The Data Plate has maps of the United States to inform the owner of the Wind Zone, Snow Load, and Roof Load of the home; the Data Plate will contain the following information:
(a) The name and address of the manufacturing plant in which the manufactured home was manufactured.
(b) The serial number and model designation of the unit, and the date the unit was manufactured.
(c) The applicable statement:
This manufactured home is designed to comply with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards in force at the time of manufacture; or
This manufactured home has been substantially completed in accordance with an approved design and has been inspected (except for the components specifically identified in the instructions for completion on-site) in accordance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in effect on the date of manufacture.
(d) The applicable statement:
This manufactured home IS designed to accommodate the additional loads imposed by the attachment of an attached accessory building or structure in accordance with the manufacturer installation instructions. The additional loads are in accordance with the design load(s) identified on this Data Plate; or
This manufactured home IS NOT designed to accommodate the additional loads imposed by the attachment of an attached accessory building or structure in accordance with the manufacturer installation instructions.
(e) A list of the certification label(s) number(s) that are affixed to each transportable manufactured section under § 3280.8.
(f) A list of major factory-installed equipment, including the manufacturer's name and the model designation of each appliance.
(g) Reference to the roof load zone and wind load zone for which the home is designed and duplicates of the maps as set forth in § 3280.305(c). This information may be combined with the heating/cooling certificate and insulation zone map required by §§ 3280.510 and 3280.511. The Wind Zone Map on the Data Plate shall also contain the statement:
This home has not been designed for the higher wind pressures and anchoring provisions required for ocean/coastal areas and should not be located within 1500′ of the coastline in Wind Zones II and III, unless the home and its anchoring and foundation system have been designed for the increased requirements specified for Exposure D in ANSI/ASCE 7-88.
(h) The statement:
This home has_ has not_ (appropriate blank to be checked by manufacturer) been equipped with storm shutters or other protective coverings for windows and exterior door openings. For homes designed to be located in Wind Zones II and III, which have not been provided with shutters or equivalent covering devices, it is strongly recommended that the home be made ready to be equipped with these devices in accordance with the method recommended in the manufacturers printed instructions.
(i) The statement: Design Approval by, followed by the name of the agency that approved the design.
(j) The statement: The manufacturer certifies this home is compliant with the Title VI, Toxic Substances Control Act.
Both the label (tags) and data plate have been removed from my home. I can't sell/refinance my home without the HUD Label. Where can I get this information?
If the information cannot be located on or within the home, the requester should obtain previous financing paperwork for the home where this information may have been previously required and documented by a lending institution. HUD, through its contractor IBTS, might be able to provide a letter certifying the specific HUD labels (tags) that were attached to the home.
I'm assisting a homeowner/homebuyer with selling/purchasing a manufactured home and have submitted a request to HUD. How long does it take before I receive a response?
All questions regarding expediting label verification requests should be addressed to HUD’s contractor, IBTS.
My Data Plate is missing. How do I get a replacement copy?
You may be able to obtain the data plate by contacting the In-Plant Primary Inspection Agency (IPIA) and the manufacturer. The IPIA is a third party inspection agency that works in conjunction with the Department to inspect manufactured homes during the manufacturing process to ensure that the manufacturer meets the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. To obtain a list of inspection agencies, visit here.
I need the Serial or VIN number in order to sell or refinance my home. Where can I find this information?
In some states, the Serial number and VIN number may be one and the same; however, this can vary by State. HUD does not issue VIN numbers. The Department of Motor Vehicles or the state or local agency that regulates housing within your state may be able to assist you.
Section 3280.6 of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards states, “(a) A manufactured home serial number which will identify the manufacturer and the state in which the manufactured home is manufactured must be stamped into the foremost cross member. Letters and numbers must be 3/8-inch minimum in height. Numbers must not be stamped into hitch assembly or drawbar.”
If the home is a multi-wide unit, the serial number will contain the letters A/B for a double-wide unit or A/B/C for a triple-wide unit.
Do the HUD Tag numbers have to be in sequential order?
No. The Certification labels (HUD tags) can be in sequential order but they may not be. The HUD labels are identified by a three-letter prefix followed by six numbers (i.e. RAD 000001).
For additional assistance, contact HUD's Office of Manufactured Housing Programs at (202) 708-6423 or via email at
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